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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    Taeyang easily became my favorite Big Bang member when he released "Where U at?" but I found his album to be quite disappointing. I think this song outshines just about everything on the album, and I honestly don't even like that track much. Do you know when G-Dragon's 2nd album is supposed to be released? Also was T.O.P gonna do one, or just that one single? That single also was kind of disappointing to me, but I really like T.O.P
  2. Far * East Movement Does anyone listen to Far * East Movement? They're a 4 piece Asian hip-hop group from LA. I don't think they've ever been really popular ever, but my girlfriend showed me them last year, I like their one album "Animal" but could never get into the other album "Folk Music", but just recently they released a new single called "Like a G6" and it's the first song (at least that I'm aware of) to get a lot of attention; even heard it on the radio and I never listen to the radio, so I bet they play it a lot! w4s6H4ku6ZY ~ Like a G6 What do you guys think?
  3. Big Bang I was surprised there was no Big Bang topic yet! Anyway, they're going to be releasing a Japanese single next week, "Beautiful Hangover" it sounded pretty good from what I heard, I'm looking forward to it, after the disappointment of "Tell Me Goodbye". Also Taeyang just released his new comeback single for his re-package, "I'll Be There". What do you guys think?
  4. Spike760

    It's me! Newest picture.
  5. Spike760

    It's all right, I think I prefer the one with Jay Park. The beat reminds me of the gay ass U-Kiss album (which was also done by Brave Brothers). But it's not as bad. I'm still looking forward to the full album.
  6. Spike760

    Parfait is pretty old. I always thought they were an oshare kei band, guess not.
  7. Spike760

    They picked really weird places to play, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to get dragged to the LA show.
  8. Spike760

    For some reason it's not on the Terminal Velocity skin. It's on the 'Tainted World' theme, but I'm going to replace the Radio link in the top navigation with a search button since the radio no longer works.
  9. Spike760

    Wait there's another new single? I'm not sure, I just keep checking all my kpop sites because I'm so excited for it, but I tried looking up the album on YesAsia and it's not even listed. Jenpoo has nothing listed by Brave Brothers for the 18th. Do you have a source?
  10. No longer have any interest in this band.
  11. Spike760

    I was extremely disappointed with LA's turnout, I swear there was probably even more fans in Chicago, because I usually went to the Chicago shows, I mean there were probably like 500 people or something, but it was my first LA show, and I was expecting a lot more. It was nice for me, because it was easy for me to get to the front, but probably not nice for D'espa.
  12. Spike760

    You should've channeled your anger from your friends into a mosh pit, lol. That's what I did, and that's how I ended up in a 5 vs. me mosh pit, which I ended up winning, because they all backed down. I was seriously about to start swinging at people, lol.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fRv--C_vao This is pretty fucked up. A deaf man walks out of Forever XXI and the alarm goes off and was choked out by a security guard. His also deaf friend was trying to tell the security guard like the whole time, and they just keep choking him.
  14. Spike760

    I know the picture isn't what they're planning but theoretically that's what it could end up looking like. I told some of my co-workers about this at my work today, and one of my co-workers had already heard about this, and he told me that Google already said this was false. And they have spent a lot of money in net neutrality so for them to do this, would be quite contradictory. That was a big relief when I heard him tell me that.
  15. Spike760

    I'm glad you posted this topic, Brave Brothers is great. I loved his first EP, the two singles following didn't live up to my expectations, but I seriously can't wait for his album, the song with Jay Park is soooo amazing! Do you know when his first album is coming out anyway, I've been trying to find out for a couple days now.
  16. Spike760

    You guys aren't understanding they're not talking about mobile internet. This is the internet your computer uses. It'll only affect FiOS, but still, the thought is ridiculous. And also there's an Android phone for just about any carrier. Here's my recommendations for the main carriers: Verizon: DROID 2, DROID Incredible, Fascinate Sprint: EVO 4G, Epic 4G AT&T: Captivate, Aria T-Mobile: Vibrant, MyTouch Slide
  17. Spike760

    What about the 2nd one?
  18. Spike760

    Yeah I used to have Verizon FiOS but I'm glad I have Time Warner now, even though it's slower and less reliable, because that's bullshit that they are gonna charge extra. D:
  19. Spike760

    It's not for the phones... D:
  20. OK this is ridiculous! I love the combination of Verizon and Google, ask anyone! But this is ridiculous and almost makes me want to abandon my Android phone. Verizon wants to charge tier the internet and make you pay extra to access certain sites, from what I understand. Source: NY Times The internet could end up looking like this:
  21. Spike760

    Me too, because the mini album was pretty disappointing!
  22. Spike760

    ^ Can anyone rip it for me? Also this sucks, I hope the vocalist joins another band too. D:
  23. Spike760

    Only IMMORTAL and Coll:Set for $20/eachThey also played BULLET. 20 bucks! they r worth 10 bucks each at hot topic! wtf!Do they sell Coll:Set at Hot Topic? I want it.
  24. Spike760

    You should check out the Samsung Vibrant for T-Mobile instead.
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