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Everything posted by Pandabear

  1. Pandabear

    ^ I don't know much about the waiting periods of Chinese releases between albums, but if that's true that's a hell of a long time. But it may also mean she may release something soon. It's been like 3-4 years since Easy World. I guess we might have to wait an additional 3 years or so.
  2. Pandabear

    Neat The 1st song was nice. Especially since it was acoustic and I had only heard her sing in English thus far. The 2nd song may go back to her signature Trip-Hip style but I think it's the darkest song she's done.
  3. Pandabear

    Filter - Dose
  4. Pandabear

    Scott Pilgrim Vs the world Fun, hilarious, and just really entertaining.
  5. Pandabear

    Periphery - Icarus Lives!
  6. Pandabear

    Zhong Chi - Rain V910OtNuZeA Her voice melts my face off. Loved Easy World and upped it incase wants to hear it. Sadly I haven’t heard any type of update from her. Music or career wise. And from what I can tell, even though they have Easy World on Itunes, the album no longer has a physical Cd Distributer. I’m hoping this wasn’t a once in a lifetime release type of thing because I’d love to hear more from her.
  7. Pandabear

    Megurine Luka - Corruption Garden
  8. Pandabear

    Spaceballs hilarious.
  9. Pandabear

    Check out their last album. It's easily some of their best work. Great experimental rock. Up All Night has really grown on me. I thought it sounded like Boxcar Racer with AVA but it definitely has a blink feel to it. And I'm glad their continuing with their experimental and mature sound. Artwork for their new album. For some reason I was expecting something a bit more colorful. And anyone hear Heart's All Gone? It's a lot more energetic and has that punk vibe too.
  10. Pandabear

    Fightclub Kept me interested throughout the entire movie. There were some really brutal fights and didn't see what happened at the end coming.
  11. Pandabear

    Won't bother with the single, but I'm checking out TOXIC.
  12. Pandabear

    Blink-182 - Feeling This 4kMZ23T9VHE Blink-182 - I Miss You s1tAYmMjLdY Blink 182 - The Rock Show z7hhDINyBP0 I can't imagine my teenage years without these guys. They're definitely one of my favorite bands. Love everything they've ever put out. Their last 3 album are my favorite with their self titled being my personal favorite. I'm really excited about their new album. I hope they have another epic sounding track like they did with Robert Smith of the cure on All Of This. I'm not sure on their new single Up All night. It sounded a bit too much like Angels and Airwaves at first, but its growing on me.
  13. Pandabear

    Same. One of the 2 albums I will actually be pre-ordering this year.
  14. Pandabear

    First album was the best. And I decided on not going. I don't really like festivals and abhor hot summer weather so that sealed the deal for me. I'll just wait till they come back headlining a tour. And a new video for Closure came out. These guys do seem hella fun live. RxBelXU2h4o
  15. Pandabear

    Art-School - Siva
  16. Pandabear

    I was expecting some gothenburg metal type sound but they don't really have a mid point between the pop and metal and seem to combine the broader end of those two genres. They seem interesting so I'll be checking some of their stuff out. Though they are quite poppy at times, almost too much,
  17. Pandabear

    In Aliens/Extraterrestrial Life? I was always fascinated by the subject of aliens, UFO's, abductions and all that. Personally I do believe in aliens. Simply because of the fact that I find it hard to believe that in our giant universe and with all the billions and trillions of stars and planets, human beings are suppose to be the only intelligent lifeforms in existence. As to what they look like, or what their intentions are I can't say for certain and it's a moot point. I'm certain there are a lot of hoaxes on the subjects and UFO's sightings that really can be explained by atmospheric phenomenon or other simple explanations, but then there are strange cases of alien abductions/sightings that are quite compelling. Recently I've been in interested in the "Astronaut Theory". Here's a simple overview. The Ancient Alien Astronauts Theory Supposed UFO sightings MzHs0evntb8 Some more supposed video footage recorded from NASA and Russian space stations and other craft, showing UFO'S. WlLN_Jcg1pc Do you believe? Or don't? Discuss.
  18. Pandabear

    I loved the stories ever since my 3rd grade teacher read the 1st book during reading time in class. I pretty much went on to read/buy all the following books. The last movie I saw of the series in theaters was the 3rd movie. I've been so out of touch with the films i didn't realize till last night that the final movie was released over the weekend. I'm probably not going to see it, but it does feel weird to say the series has ended. It remains one my favorite books series.
  19. Pandabear

    I thought the same at first too. Also excited about this: A tentative track list has been posted via Corgan's Twitter account. Song titles and track order are "subject to change". Pale Horse Panopticon The Chimera Four Winds Chime Glissandra Inkless My Love is Winter The Celestials (formerly titled Special K & Helios) Pinwheels Oceania Violet Rays Quasar I'm curious to see what the album will sound like. Corgan's been doing a good job with the EP'S and I really liked songs like Tom, Tom, Freak U.S.A and Lightning. But I'm glad the bands doing an album since it will help unify the sound of the songs. Plus it'll get a phsyical release. Lots of awesome stuff to be released in late summer/early fall
  20. Pandabear

    Periphery - Jetpacks was Yes
  21. Pandabear

    Awesome! They got the Birthday massacre as a supporting act. I'm so going to the NYC show.
  22. Pandabear

    The Kingdom Great movie.
  23. Pandabear

    I'm liking how this isn't straight out buckets of blood and limbs flying everywhere for no apparent reason. Its good a combination of tame but interesting character and plot development with action and brutality. IMO the normal scenes enhance the grotesque and blood curling action, particularly since it seems to come out of nowhere. Like getting killed by flesh eating acid spray and then being crushed by a giant tank like machine.
  24. Pandabear

    Don't use smartphones. I'm probably one of the few people in a modern city who never/doesn't own a cellphone, but it's indeed a cool idea.
  25. Pandabear

    The Matrix: Reloaded
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