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Everything posted by Pandabear

  1. Pandabear

    Biomega. Still need volumes 4-6 to finish off the futuristic zombie apocalypse story.
  2. Pandabear

    I thought about doing this before but I'm too much of a perfectionist to get any story written in time of 50,000 words that would pass the high standards I set for my writing. I've completed one harry potter length type novel in my life and it took 4 years to write. I pretty much realized I'm not the type to write such long stories and now only write short to average length stories. Anywhere from a couple of pages to a few hundred. I find it's easier and much more satisfying. And it suits my writing style and I have tendency to have an overactive imagination so I can get more stories I come up with done.
  3. Pandabear

    Blink-182 - Even if she falls.
  4. Pandabear

    The last house on the left. The original 1970's one. It was one of the best and most awesome horror movie I have seen in years.
  5. Pandabear

    ^ I sort of thought that at first too, but the album really grew on me. Even the songs that I was a little iffy on won me over. And there was some evidence of more of their earlier work other than Heart's All gone. The main guitar riff for Natives for example sounds again like it could be from Dude Ranch.
  6. Pandabear

    9pyA_lSJXK4 wCmSTfHotJs Got into these guys back when Artist In the Ambulance came out. I always loved their sound and it's been interesting to see how much they have progressed and changed while still remaining awesome. Compare Stare at The Sun with In Exile for example. They definitely started to progress into their more current indie sound on the Air and Earth Alchemy Index release and continued with it into Beggars. Their new album is great too.
  7. Pandabear

    Did you like The Human Abstract? I was pissed when I found out they were playing in Milwaukee about 3 hours before the show was going to happen, no way I was going to be able to make it on such short notice. Actually I had the opposite thing happen to me. I was psyched they were going to play with Periphery and Textures but as it turned out they pulled out a week before the actually show. Apparently they wanted to get an early start on their European tour. Funny thing is that they didn't play the NYC show but played a Philly show the day after that. I was disappointed since this is now the second time I missed them. The first time was when they opened for Dir en grey a couple of years back. I came late so I didn't get to see them. It really sucks since I'm a fan of Nocturne and ended up really enjoying Digital Veil especially now that AJ is back in the band.
  8. Pandabear

    Fade - One Reason
  9. Pandabear

    Periphery on their Frak the Gods tour. They destroyed along with Textures.
  10. Pandabear

    Periphery _ Frak The Gods
  11. Pandabear

    I will always prefer feeling and emotion in a guitar solo and a song over complex structure or technical musicianship. Not to say there aren't bands and musicians who can successfully do both. Sticking just to J-rock bands my list is pretty short and consist of "mainstream" groups. Most of which have been mentioned. the Gazette Alice Nine Nightmare Hiedi Abingdon Boys School Anthem Blood Stain child (Only on their last album) Dir en grey (When they used to have solos in their old material) That's pretty much what comes to mind. If we were talking about non-Japanese bands I could easily come up with a huge ass list that could take up a full page.
  12. Pandabear

    This show is hilarious. My favorite non main characters (Finn and Jake) have to be Lumpy Space Princess and Marceline. Lump Space Princess is just funny as hell and her name abbreviation of LSP sounds a lot like the drug LSD. Marceline is pretty much the definition of bad ass. She's a vampire who sucks shades of red, enjoys scaring and threatening Finn and Jake and and plays an axe shaped bass guitar that was actually an axe at one point. This was my last favorite episode that aired. When Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum and Marceline have to form a band in order to open a door. I also like the apparent tension between princess bubblegum and Marceline. 1LASHmj_6XI
  13. Pandabear

    Blink-182 - MH 4.18.2011
  14. Pandabear

    Anyone here Dualism yet? It's great. And I'm liking thier new vocalist. I think I enjoyed this album better than thier last. There's definitely more clean singing and melodic instances. Loved stuff like Reaching Home. But of course they still implement thier signature heavy sound.
  15. Pandabear

    I've been digesting the album for the last couple of days and I can say I am also content with it. It's not the awesomeness I was expecting but it's still great. It does seem like the natural progression from their last album. It was the first Blink album I wasn't instantly hooked by and I'm still iffy on the chorus for snake charmers and wishing well. Lyrically it is quite dark and musically the band succeeded in keeping their pop and experimental elements. Somehow I feel if they had worked together instead of separately and had a producer the end result would have been more cohesive. The heavier guitar parts in some songs have a boxcar racer feel to them while Tom's singing and the more atmospheric moments sound like Ava songs and something like Fighting the Gravity seems like it could be from +44. Yet in the end I think the album is a Blink-182 album. My top songs at the moments have to be Natives, Up All Night, After Midnight, Hearts All Gone, Kaleidoscope, M.H 4.18.2011 and Fighting The Gravity. On a side note, Travis's drumming really stood out for me. He had some really cool beats and rolls going on.
  16. Pandabear

    I think your first question is subjective for every guy. It depends on how perceptive they are or aren't. I also think it depends on the girl. I mean the girl could be bad at showing it and the guy might not pick it up. Then there's always the possibility that the guy does pick up on it but doesn't show that he has picked up on it. There's other stuff involved it too like what their situation is like or what they want and don't want. As for your second question I don't think any guy would mind getting asked out by a girl. Never really understood why any girl would think that it was a bad idea. And if they known her for a while it might make things more comfortable for him or even uncomfortable. Like if they're good friends and he doesn't want to mess up the relationship. Again this one depends on a variety of factors.
  17. Pandabear

    This felt like it would be more of a 50 episode anime not a 26 one. Things were just getting good.
  18. Pandabear

    Periphery - Icarus Lives!
  19. Pandabear

    Anybody watching this? I've seen the first 20 episodes so far and I'm enjoying it. It reminded me a bit of Soul Eater at first because of the whole fighting demons and then there being an academy for people wanting to be exorcists but it developed along nicely. It's a got a couple of anime cliche's but its interesting, has some cool action sequences and some hilarious moments.
  20. Pandabear

    Incase anyone one was wondering what happened:
  21. Pandabear

    Raunchy - Bleeding
  22. Pandabear

    I've been meaning to check this guys out. But they have a ton of albums. Guess I'll start with the King of pain.
  23. Pandabear

    Wow had no idea. First the Blink-182 album got leaked and now this. I'm tempted to go and listen to it but I'm not sure. And I had the same feelings as you towards most of their second album. I was hoping they would improve guess not?
  24. Pandabear

    Liq - Strawberry on the XIII gallows
  25. Pandabear

    Same Confused by this. Did their new album leak or something?
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