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Everything posted by Pandabear

  1. Pandabear

    Periphery - Make Total Destroy
  2. Pandabear

    Kung Fu Panda 2 It was funny, the animation and action was great and it had panda's. What's not to like?
  3. Pandabear

    ^ Yeah, there was no appropriate section I could find for them. Putting them in the European and Asian section just seemed even more weird to me. Love them too. They already released their new single Wake Up. Now I'm just waiting for them to announce the release date for their new album.
  4. Pandabear

    Kerli - Walking On Air http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXMeZwO2qZ0 Kerli - Army Of Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhgvWLs2rsM I'm usually incredibly picky when it comes to pop music, but I love Kerli's style of pop. I loved every song of her Love is Dead album and I can't wait for her new album. Plus, she not only writes and composes her music, but does the programming for it too. Which is awesome in my book. I don't know many pop artists who do that. Loving her Zero Gravity single at the moment. That song just kept getting better and better as it progressed. Love the electro/synth-pop direction she's heading in too. And in case anybody mentions this, Kerli was around before Lady Gaga.
  5. Dead Letter Circus - Big Dead Letter Circus - One Step Anyone listen to them? They're freaking amazing. Their music really reminded me of the Mars Volta at first. Most of been those time delayed guitars.
  6. Pandabear

    Just pre-ordered a whole mess of crap. Fear Factory's new album which will in all likelihood destroy. Periphery's new album bundle. And lollipop Chainsaw. Comes out in less than 2 weeks now. I can't wait to start hacking zombies.
  7. Pandabear

    As I lay Dying - Parallels
  8. Pandabear

    Here’s my quick, straight to the point review for Virgin. I liked it. I loved the singles and mini’s leading up to the album, but the new songs that stood out for me were Wonderland, 契約, あなた, and Sora. On the other hand I thought the album could have done without Ginger, リトル・メアリーと美しき憎しみのドナウ, and Kiss In The Dark. I don’t actually think they’re bad songs and find them to be okay, but I feel they detract from the pacing and mood of the album. Plus it would cut down on the near hour length of the album and have it sound more cohesive. I give it a 8/10
  9. Pandabear

    Awesome. I was beginning to wonder if they were ever going to put out a new album. This will be added to my list of anticipated albums for the year.
  10. Pandabear

    I guess it's because practically all the bands live off of their imagery, from official photoshoots in magazines to sellable photo sets, etc. They might see fan photography at concerts as a kind of "cheating" of that system (i.e. not paying for the image of the artist but taking a photo "for free") or something. But I dunno for sure, that's just my theory. Yeah, that would seem pretty likely. Some labels can be pretty anal about the bands they manage. It might also have to do with avoiding videos of the band's performance being recorded since all digital cameras have that ability now. It is VK so there might be a fear that it could detract from the Official PV's released and live DVD's. And perhaps any new singles they might be releasing. But I'm not entirely sure if Vk bands do perform new songs they have coming up at their concerts. I know it's pretty common for western bands to do that. Most performances of their new songs end being uploaded to sites like youtube before they're officially announced as singles.
  11. Pandabear

    There albums have a good uniform sound so that might be why. And I wouldn't exactly call their music relaxing. Can't wait to hear their new material. I wouldn't mind another Fever, which is what their new album is suppose to sound like, but this time around a bit heaver. Fever was more hard than heavy to be honest. Matt's panetra/slipknot influenced side project (Axewounds) also sounds like it could be interesting.
  12. Pandabear

    this!, most concert's of visual key don't allow it. I always thought the no taking pictures policy was lame. I've never been to a concert where taking pictures wasn't allowed. Except for the time I went to see Blink 182 at Madison Square Garden. At least that was what was written on the ticket, but a whole bunch of people still pulled out cameras during the show. Including me. It wasn't enforced in any way. I've heard the no taking pictures is common at VK concerts. I still don't understand why.
  13. Pandabear

    Kinda curious to see if this single will continue with their current sound or signify a change in their direction.
  14. Pandabear

    Silversun Pickups - Bloody Mary (Nerve Endings)
  15. Pandabear

    Edited OP title to include the option of adding pictures to make things more fun and cool. Saw Kittie last night. A friend of mine wanted to go see Lacuna Coil but she found out Kittie was coming to play the very next day and we decided on seeing them instead. It was awesome. The band destroyed. Also got to see another awesome female fronted metal band, the Agonist. Alissa teared it up. And I don't why I never noticed but everyone in Kittie is super Haawt. And I love Trish's energetic bass playing and cute personality. Some of the pics I took. Trish
  16. Pandabear

    As I Lay Dying - Anodyne Sea
  17. Pandabear

    They said its more electronic heavy so that's what I think they mean when they say its back to their roots. Not back to their Nu-metal sound. And the lyrics are suppose to be more about relationships and not politics. The overall sound of the album is suppose to be a combination of all their previous albums which I could see working out. And I actually love their instrumentals, like on Hybrid Theory and Meteora. Session was amazing. I wouldn't mind if they did another track like that. I haven't been let down by a LP album, so I'll definitely be getting this when it comes out.
  18. Pandabear

    Anyone check out out their new album? The new singer can definitely hold his own. I like how they went easy on the keyboard and all the crazy effects and brought the attention back to the guitars. It was a good move on their part and does wonders on their songs.
  19. Pandabear

    Periphery - Passanger
  20. Pandabear

    Yeah, there's some serious improvement from the EP. My favorite tracks have to be Dopamine, Come Follow Me, Psilocybin and Jerkin' like a Retard.
  21. Pandabear

    They've become on my favorite bands over the last few years. They are fucking awesome. Got into them with Carnavas which was a great alternative rock/shoegaze album. I was blown away with the release of Swoon since the music was definitely a step up. Can't wait for Neck of the Woods. It was one of the albums for this year I was most looking forward to. And it''s amazing. Mtv is streaming the whole album online. The actual album I ordered should arrive tomorrow. It's an album so worth having. And these guys are definitely worth seeing live. Chris is so energetic on the drums. Ef5Gcv8wr0Q
  22. Pandabear

    Disappointed there's was no John 5 there. Oh well, I got his new shredtastic solo album to satisfy myself with. And the non Japanese track list of artists is disappointing. Except for Orianthi of course.
  23. Pandabear

    Caz - A Tail Of The WInd
  24. Pandabear

    I had no idea she was releasing a new album. It's great to hear new material from her after so long. I love her lyric's as well.
  25. Pandabear

    I'm on the fence of whether or not to buy the album. It may come down to the price...I highly disliked No Reflection. And I checked out over-neath the path of misery and I liked the music, but Manson's lyric's are still lacking. The last Manson album I felt where he was still really on his lyrical game was Eat Me, Drink Me. And I want artwork and a booklet too.
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