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Everything posted by Pandabear

  1. Pandabear

    I say it's a new single.
  2. Pandabear

    Sure is!! By the way, I actually kinda liked the new one too (not really a remake, more like a prequel). Still haven't seen the 3rd one yet myself, but I totally recommend the 2nd movie! One of the best horror sequels ever in my opinion (sometimes even surpassing the first one). My last movie: They Live Saw it for the 2nd time, liked it this time better. Also, what a coincidence, also a John Carpenter film! Haven't seen the newer version of The Thing so I can't compare. But I have heard less than favorable things about it. And i also enjoyed Carpenters They Live. Wish I had those cool shades and I love that long ass alley fight. Last Movie I saw was The Rage. Awful awful movie. Horrible acting, plot, story, dialogue and special effects.
  3. Pandabear

    I've got a feeling this going to be one of the top metal releases of 2012. Can't wait to hear some more viking metal.
  4. Pandabear

    Everything. If its on my 160 Gigabyte Ipod it passed my initial screening test and I like the music enough to keep on my pc and MP3 player. I have about 90 gigs of music right now.14,000 songs and increasing. The only time I've deleted songs is when I replace 320kps space whore rips with my own transcoded 192kps rips. Yeah, I know "technically" it's of lesser quality but I'm satisfied with the end result and don't want to run out of space too fast and then have to get another Ipod.
  5. Pandabear

    Volbeat - Back To Prom
  6. Pandabear

    Love the final fantasy inspired inro/riffs and the Guthrie Govan solo is sick! L6c8Cl3Hka0
  7. Pandabear

    The Thing. 1982 verison. It was fucking awesome. Also all this previous talk about Rec makes me want to watch the most recent follow ups. I've seen the first, but had no idead there was a 2nd or even a 3rd one.
  8. Pandabear

    Like the covers and previews. And I actually liked toxic and I still don't get what was with all the hate that album got. It might have been one of their weaker releases, but it was far from being the atrocious horrible album people were making it out to be. Anyway looking forward to Division.
  9. Pandabear

    ^ Yeah she's awesome. I loved her first album and her second up coming album will surely be great.
  10. Pandabear

    I half agree with this. I went in expecting a gish sound and all I heard was a couple of few riffs that reminded of their early albums. I was actually hoping for that Pumpkins sound but it doesn't really sound like them at all. At least Zeitgeist still had that going for it. Oceania sounds completely different from everything else they've done. I think is why I was disappointed at first. Since I went expecting a pumpkins sound. After a while I realized its just a okay/good rock album.
  11. Pandabear

    RAMPANT - Silence
  12. Pandabear

    Been on a shoegaze binge again. I want this bands album the moment it comes out. Pet Milk - So Bored 5qhdRThMWaE
  13. Pandabear

    Official name for the new album is Battle Born and will be released sometime in the fall. This new song debuted yesterday. I thought it was okay at first listen, but it's really grown on me. It's like Day & Age with some Sam's Town. 2LOeImx0kW4
  14. Pandabear

    Off of Jeff Loomis's last blistering guitar release. He so needs to do an entire album with Christine Rhoades on vocals. Jeff Loomis - Tragedy and Harmony sFbXyCbBSYM
  15. Pandabear

    _XayxMPrUP4 Like seriously, does this movie even need a synopsis? Anybody going/have seen this? I wasn't too thrilled about the new direction and new actors when I first heard about it. Then I saw the trailer and it looked amazing. Emma stone seems to pull off a good Gwen Stacy, but I'm still not sure about Andrew Garfield as spiderman. I think I still prefer Tobey Maguire. Heard good things about the movie so far.
  16. Pandabear

    Want to add this. The Faceless - Autothiesm As I Lay Dying - Awakened Tamaryn - Untitled. According to their facebook, it's already finished, mixed and mastered. Release date is suppose to be somewhere in October.
  17. Pandabear

    Periphery - Muramasa
  18. Pandabear

    Their new album came out yesterday. It's a 70 minute long album of technical experimental progressive metal and djenty guitar rhythms and grooves. Anybody listen to it yet? For me it was one of the most anticipated album for the year and leaves up to the hype. Ragnarok
  19. Pandabear

    I See Stars - iBelieve
  20. Pandabear

    Fantastic Mr.Fox It was awesome.
  21. Pandabear

    @neon It's out everywhere on xbox and ps3
  22. Pandabear

    Has anyone heard their new album yet? I can't believe I totally forget about it. I'm going to go and pick up my copy today. So far, I've heard a lot of good things about. It suppose to have a more Gish/early smashing pumpkin type of sound.
  23. Pandabear

    Veil Of Maya - Punisher
  24. Pandabear

    Cherri Bomb - Raw. Real. vKf3AU2K-lc Love this song. My favorite track from an all girl rock band. They're pretty talented for sixteen year-olds.
  25. Pandabear

    Has anyone been playing this yet? I just started over the weekend and it's really fun. Things I love about the game so far: The soundtrack - I've heard everything from J-pop to heavy metal and everything in between during the gameplay. Plus you can customize music playlists. The Dialogue - It's well written and freaking hilarious. Actually the whole game is pretty funny. The style of the game - It has an arcade feel about it and I enjoy the comic book look used in some of the story telling. It has some minor flaws but considering I bought it for 15 buck less than its original price, I'm happy with this game so far.
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