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Everything posted by Pandabear

  1. Pandabear

    Discovered tons of new awesome bands and artists, but I'll name only my top 3. I See Stars - A young band pioneering the popular electronicore style.They have the heaviness, the catchy choruses and danceable beats. I've seen them live and they are awesome. They have mesmerizing light shows with energetic dubsteps interludes between songs. I See Stars - Electric Forest ( Feat Cassedee Pope) Intervals - An extraordinary talented band from Canada. They play instrumental progressive technical metal with djenty chugs and glitchy sampling. They're music and playing is phenomenal. I haven't been blown away by the sheer technical musicianship of a band since I discovered Animals As Leaders. Interavls - Tapestry The Haarp Machine - Technical Progressive metal with middle eastern instruments like the sitar. They're technical, fast, brutal and beautiful. Awesome metal. The Haarp Machine - Extension To One
  2. Pandabear

    I like all of them. There have been great films and stories for all of them, just as there have been lots of bad ones. They're all cool and fascinating, but yeah, Twilight and True Blood seemed to have ruined werewolves and vampires for most people. I'm waiting for the day when a well written story or film does justice to the deadly vampire or werewolf of yesteryear. I'm going for zombies for now. Loved them way before they became as mainstream as they are right now.
  3. Pandabear

    Bring Me The Horizon - Shadow Moses. New BMTH
  4. Pandabear

    They've announced a new album in May and a new single in March on their facebook. They've stated said the new album is heavier and is suppose to be like a modern Short Bus. They also said it's more electronic. Maybe it has something do with Johnny Radtke of Kill Hannah now being in the band. Either way, I'm excited for this.
  5. Pandabear

    Psycho-Pass. About a police force in dark futurestic dsyotpia with action, gore, sci-fi and intelligent writing. Production I.G with music by Yuugo Kanno = Instant win
  6. Pandabear

    Read the title and thought this was a thread of dangerous books because of the taboo subjects they were about or the impact they had on people and society. I was wrong. The books do look beautiful, but what's the point if you can't read them without inhaling deadly lead or jagged gold particles.
  7. Pandabear

    Recently acquired a red vintage telecaster to my guitar collection for free. Electronics need fixing but I'm thinking of using it for some shoegazing. And now that I'm writing some shoegaze stuff and perhaps starting a band( if I can find people who want to shoegaze where I live) I started eyeing gear. Want a Yamaha Spx90 processor. Used by My Bloody Valentine and tons of other shoegaze bands. TC Helicon Reverb pedal for vocals Wanna run my guitar out of this little power house tube amp. A Bugera V5 5W 1x8 Need a Flashback x4 delay for seas of analog and tape delays. Going to wet everything in this awesome Holy Grail Reverb plus pedal. And a Dirty Rat pedal for tons of fuzz. And if I ever can, I want this 1964 Gibsom Es300 with tremelo arm.
  8. Pandabear

    Tamaryn - Heavenly Bodies. 2C3YNBKSzgo I'm seeing this guys again in February. Can't wait.
  9. Pandabear

    ^ Yeah I thought the same thing when I first saw it. The exploration gave me the Mirror's Edge feel and the futuristic dystopian setting with a cybernetic lead character total reminded me of Deus Ex. I love both of those games, and I'm still waiting for the day when Mirror's Edge 2 is announced, until then, I have this to look forward to.
  10. Pandabear

    ^ Hmmm, how about Versailles? They have some gothic symphonic thing going on. I don't really know much else besides the ones you've mentioned. Actually I'd be interested in hearing some Japanese metal with some classical influences if anyone comes across any.
  11. Pandabear

    That's pretty sick. At first I thought, maybe some accomplished piano players could play this, but then sheer craziness followed and its obvious this wasn't meant to be played by a human.
  12. Pandabear

    tN2sANZ9UhU This is the game I am most looking forward to in 2013 as of right now. It looks amazing and seems to have an interesting and well written story and a cool battle system/gameplay.
  13. Evanescence - Fallen. Bought it on the first day it came out and it's the best album they've done IMo. Dark rock with heavy metal guitars, gothic overtones, symphonic orchestrations and Amy's amazing vocals and lyrics. Gi9S2YwHGGc Before that, I had my walkman and cool rock radio stations to listen to and my dad's vast rock collection to paw through when I got interested in music.
  14. Pandabear

    My 160 GB Ipod died. It froze and then when I tried to reset it, a Red X appeared. It useless now. Warranty is up and Apple wants me to buy another Ipod. Hell no. I'll be taking it to a repair center, to see if it can be saved. But it still sucks, cuz I have no music to listen to. 100 gigs of music all gone. I can't function without my music. >.<
  15. Pandabear

    Yeah, I use guitar pro. There are a ton of other music softwares for composition and note notation. And if your showing it to someone, it's all they should need. If they can't read music then, they probably should learn how to. If you want the part to be actually played then you would probably have to record the part yourself and give it to the person you're showing. Otherwise the midi playback on guitar pro should be sufficient for them to get the rhythm and time of the piece. You don't need the playback to sound like the actual instrument, unless your creating a backing track or programming something like drums, but that's a different issue.
  16. Pandabear

    Yes there is. And it's huge. I grew up in New York with rock and tons of awesome bands. It's not as mainstream as it was back in the radio days, at least not here, but still prevalent. And when you say rock, do you mean everything that falls under the genre? Like hard rock, alternative, alternative metal, shoegaze, experimental, indie, pop-rock, punk-rock, and all that type? Or do you mean metal? Because there are a ton of bands in both genres. And other bands who can easily be categorized under multiples genres. I don't know about the hipster music scene. Except for like Foster The people who are meh. Frankly, you should just look around for good rock and metal bands and you'll find some interesting stuff. Use the internet. It shouldn't be that hard. It really has nothing to do with where you live. There's no shortage of amazing rock bands from the U.S. with unique sounds and styles. Which is why I could never really understand when foreigners say that all american rock or metal bands sound the same. For 2012 alone, the U.S music totally raped the year with amazing releases. I recommend stuff like Deftones, Tool, Evanescence (first album), Mastodon, Alice In Chains, Thrice, Silversun Pickups, System Of A Down, Disturbed, The Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson(early stuff), Brand New, Interpol, The National, The Killers, Nine Inch Nails, Garbage, The Bravery, Breaking Benjamin, The Offspring, Kill Hannah, She Wants Revenge, Nevermore, Animals As Leaders. If you want real heavy headbanging stuff; As I lay Dying, Killswitch Engage, Motionless In White, The Faceless, Periphery, Lamb Of God, Devildriver, The Black Dahlia Murder, Between the Buried and Me, Fear Factory, Born Of Osiris, Converge, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Pig Destroyer, and I could go on forever with the metalz. Those are good places to start.
  17. Pandabear

    This is so awesome with the dreamy atmosphere and Shirley's underwater vocals.. I could listen to it for hours on end. Garbage - Not Your Kind Of People KckCsw_JyJI
  18. Pandabear

    Yeah this movie is nothing like twilight...the movie or book. It looks well acted, with a good story line, comedic zingers and better filmed too. Plus it has zombies! It reminds me more of zombieland with the whole zombie apocalypse comedy thing. I haven't read the original book this movie is based on, but it wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that the book is also tons better than any of the twilight books, which lack writing skill and literary substance.
  19. Yeah...no. Like people have said before me, I like the culture, the language, the fact they can have cool gravity defying hair, but I like myself the way I am.
  20. Pandabear

    Warm Bodies I'm more psyched to see this movie than I am World War Z. I'll probably ended up seeing that movie as well since I love anything having to do with zombies, but I'm more excited for Warm Bodies. It looks like it has a lot of zombie action, but comedy and romance as well. The plot gives the zombie genre a complete twist.
  21. Pandabear

    I like how Hollow and their other new material still has the Alice In Chains sound everyone loves. The brooding grunge, the dark lyrics and the slow churning metal guitars. And according to Jerry the new album is complete. I'm excepting a release date to be announced soon.
  22. Pandabear

    ^ I think the label was expecting the album to do better. Sold more than 300,000 copies in total I believe. That's a good number considering the age we live in. It might have sold more if they had managed to keep the record under wraps and not have it leak 1-2 weeks before it's release date. As to why the band left the label it probably had to do with creative control and deadlines. which can kill creativity if the band is just rushing to put out new material by a certain date. I'm supper impressed by the new EP though. They managed to write 5 new amazing songs, record them and mix them in like 6 weeks. And it sounds like Neighborhoods, but it's much more polished and cohesive.
  23. Pandabear

    Here's some awesome news to report. Not only is the band already working on their new album but they released a new EP called Dogs Eating Dogs a couple days of ago. Anybody Listen to it yet? It's awesome. Blink 182 - Dogs Eating Dogs AJwr0YtZ-I8
  24. Pandabear

    I see lots of awesome stuff in people lists. Definitely going to be checking out some of the albums that have been mentioned. Especially on the Japanese side. I feel I might have been a little neglectful since I was busy with other amazing releases and was expecting a ton of crappy VK albums. Added some more stuff to my list in my original post too. They were albums I forget, but that were way too awesome not to mention. I probably should of split my list into two posts since it turned out long and now I feel people will just skip over it. Hope that’s not the case.
  25. Pandabear

    More like yes. But so far tasty delicious waffles is in the lead.
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