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Status Updates posted by Cupcakes

  1. Listening to stuff I used to like when I was active on this forum... I think....

  2. Maybe I should start my music collection from Scratch, so I don't have to put so much into Itunes ><

    1. Cupcakes


      if I do so I can't listen to music anymore when I'm not home

    2. CAT5


      oh, right. I keep forgetting about the whole ipod deal :(

    3. Spike760


      iTunes is the devil.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. Mission: Find a place to live so I can order my Crazy Catlady starterspack.

  4. Mission: Wait for the oven to be done pre-heating.

  5. Mission: Wait for the oven to be done pre-heating.

    1. Slsr


      was mission success?

    2. Cupcakes


      Mission succeeded, pizza was eaten.

  6. my AKB48 singles have arrived~ *happy cupcakes*

  7. Never thought I'd do some handicrafts again...

  8. of course, just when my parents have left for their holiday, I fall ill -sighs-

  9. Putting my "vk" releases in itunes before giving the neglected artists a full listen through. Wonder how long it'll take?

  10. Really, Aki-P? Really, Togosaki-san? Demoting a first generation AKB48 member to kenkyuusei, because she may or may not have a relation? REALLY?!

    1. Zeus


      I never got why preventing relationships was such a big deal to them.

    2. CAT5


      cuz it's all sick DIE DIE DIE

    3. Ito


      Zess, it is so the messed up fans can have the make believe idea that since they are single so they imagine they have a chance with them (and in turn they spend more money). It is honestly pretty fucked up, but that's Japan for you!

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  11. Ride mama beat o/

  12. So this is what it feels like to drink away thoughts and sorrow with alcohol.

  13. some people take foodporn a bit too literally.

  14. Starting to like Ayumi Hamasaki. Someone please send help.

  15. Still no package from the U S A

    1. Cupcakes


      I didn't order anything! It's a present I'm getting~ Well, supposed to get.

    2. Zeus


      It's President's Day so no mail is moving anywhere I'm afraid.

    3. Cupcakes


      It was shipped the 7th, and there's no presidents day here in the nl~

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  16. The Monochrome Heaven House for the Elderly People

    1. Jigsaw9


      Gathering every afternoon in the main lobby, snoozing off to transcoded mp3s of our old favorites~ (^∀^)

  17. Time to save money for a jpop singles mass order

  18. Tonight I might be drinking alcohol for the first time in years.

  19. Trying to get into some sorta VK again. Not that I remember what I used to like...

  20. Ugh. Humans. And human likes.

    1. CAT5


      Humans are as beautiful as they are disgusting

    2. Yasupon


      ^ can't argue with that

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