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Everything posted by SUBLIMINAL


    "We consider ourselves more a symphonic rock band ... we are in my opinion no gothic band" - Sharon den Adel. Enter is arguably the only gothic metal thing they've done and it didn't sell as well as their other releases, it didn't receive rave reviews, it had one single and is often neglected in favour of everything else they've released, which is symphonic to the core, how do they give gothic metal a bad name? I'm outta here.

    Your biggest mistake is lumping female-fronted metal bands into the gothic metal category. They haven't given gothic metal a bad name because they're not gothic metal, never claimed to be gothic metal. Within Temptation are a decent symphonic metal band and their vocalist is not whiny. Why should anyone waste their time arguing with you or trying to prove you wrong when you've deemed your opinion truth. You've basically made it irrefutable when it's not. No matter what anyone says, you're going to be able to go "lol wrong, my opinion is fact."

    You know, I don't think about what makes a song emotional. It can be anything. I'll be listening and I'll have an urge to cry swell in me (or I will simply burst into tears), smile broadly, laugh. It just happens. I might not find the same song emotional twice, I might bawl like a baby every time I listen to it. The music might get under my skin, the lyrics might be insidious, the vocals moving. I could associate a memory with it, it could be what I need to hear at any given moment. So I agree that it is subjective.

    D'aw. Thanks! Of course I make exceptions for you! Although 9000... That's some kind of torture.

    Tears. (;´・`). 'Sup meme.

    Wrong x2! Ayreon, Star One, Autumn, The Gathering, Slechtvalk, After Forever, Kingfisher Sky, Orphanage, Vengeance, Satyrian to name but a few who are much better than Delain especially.

    鬼???????? Mass Effect

    It's so edgy.

    It lacks the options asexual, autosexual, pansexual, etc... You probably should have added an "other" option so as not to potentially offend anyone. Asexual dyke o'er here.

    Someone who goes on about emotion being more important than skill or technique, no less! I'm not a fan of Kyotaro specifically, but I wouldn't say he was the worst singer I've ever heard. As for doubting the opinion of someone because they listen to black metal, that's unfair too. Some black metal vocalists are great.


    Fuck yeah! gvdf5n-zI14


    That happens in the Middle-East, too. The things humanity will do for their God.

    This. Sometimes guys have it so easy.
  16. >Saudi Arabia >better life The world and some of the people in it just make me sad. :/ I'm glad she's stable.

    1. Have you ever bled from your privates for 3-5 days straight? 2. Hormone levels are higher, women are less likely to be patient. We'll cry, scream and bitch more. 3. Adrenaline is released when progesterone levels drop; progesterone helps regulate blood sguar. This causes irritability. Some women have to eat every couple of hours when they're on their period to keep their blood sugar levels in check or they'll get weak, anxious and start sweating and trembling. 4. It's gross. 5. It hurts. Everywhere. I'm sure if that happened to you once a week every month you'd be bitchy too! Your best bet is to be extra sensitive and attentive while she's on her period or avoid her altogether because there's little you can do to make a girl feel better when she's going through it. I know when I'm on mine I get over emotional, cry over any silly thing that shouldn't be offensive and stay in my room for three days.

    Haha, it's Cheryl Cole/Tweedy, ex-Girls Aloud. My step brother used to go to school with her. 8D

    To be fair, 4chan has done quite a few worthwhile attacks. This one is/was just pointless.

    Faery: Legend of the Avalon

    tl;dr I don't remember much about being bullied at school, although I know I was and that I hated it so much I would skip classes with the people I used to find particularly intimidating to hide in the girl's bathrooms. Often times I would avoid going to school altogether, I was simply too afraid to deal with being picked on. I make an easy target because in spite of my height, I'm relatively thin and gangly, geeky and quiet. I know I had things thrown at me (chewing gum in my hair, food at a suede coat). I was called names, shoved around. A lot of it was due to my family's nomadic tendencies. My parents could never settle down and we were never in a city or a town for more than a year and I've moved all over Europe, never fit in. One thing I don't think I will ever overcome, though, is my dad. He's an extremely strict man - he's enormous, over 6ft he towers over even me. He's spoilt, misogynistic and brash and can never do wrong. He has this booming Scottish drawl that frightens when he shouts. I was only ever yelled at or hit with a belt when my mum wasn't home, she was usually there to take the brunt of it. But when she eventually left, I became the oldest and most accessible woman for him to bully, so he was always running me down, telling me how much of a mistake I was, how he wished he only had my brother and that my sister and I should get lost. He'd ignore me constantly until he wanted to yell at someone. Most recently he used my name and got me in thousands of pounds worth of debt, the stress from that is the only thing I have ever wanted to comitt suicide over. But I've always been too scared to go to the police to tell them it wasn't me because it's been burned into my mind from such an early age that I am not allowed to defy him. :\ I don't live with him anymore but he still has some impact on my life because he's so close by. I won't be truly free until I move to another city and he never finds out where I am.

    I've dated obnoxious "cool" guys before. One punched me because I wouldn't sleep with him and the other (26) cheated on me with girls under the age of consent because they were impressed by his car and his big house and weren't as opinionated as I was. I'd prefer the nice guy or the sniveling weirdo in that scenario, to be honest.

    I know! I didn't mean for it to be offensive, I'm sorry. Just thought I would recommend some neo-folk artists myself.

    Devin Townsend Project - Trainfire My favourite DTP song, hnnng
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