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Status Updates posted by Delkmiroph

  1. Finally new single Plastic tree <3

  2. Finally September <3

  3. Finally Youtube in Germany is more free today. 

  4. First EP of 夜-yoru- have been shipped to me <3 In soon i will listen.

    1. evenor


      Congrats on snagging a copy!!

  5. For second time after 3 years...  the love is sucks.

  6. Hand Spinner is boring. 

    1. 蝉時雨色 -semishigureiro-

      蝉時雨色 -semishigureiro-

      Except you use it as a guitar pick for your bass guitar. :^)

    2. Bear


      It might be boring, but it's fucking genius. I was a bit sceptical about the whole thing, but I've seen it work its magic on kids with both autism and ADHD, some of them even diagnosed with both, and it's absolutely beautiful. Genius!

    3. Himeaimichu


      I prefer the cubes. If I want spinny stuff, I'll spin myself in a chair, or use a Gyroscope 

  7. Happy b'day dude xD

    1. herpes


      ty babe

  8. Happy b'dayyy itoooooooooooooooooooo :D

  9. Happy bday Jig :D

    1. Jigsaw9


      yay, thanks~ 

  10. Happy bday Jigggggggggggggg :D

  11. Happy bday Jun :D

    1. Jun_


      jkhdfsjkfhdjkshf desculpa pelo vácuo de quase um ano. Obrigado <333

  12. Happy bday Lihn (:

  13. Happy bday Sei ;D

  14. Happy day Itooo :D

    1. Ito


      Thanks Delk!


  15. How i can stop to listen Kyary Pamyu Pamyu... ? almost 3 weeks with the songs from her in my mind: HELPPPPP  :wwww

    1. IGM_Oficial






  16. I am almost finishing the review about 「デも/demo」release.

  17. I am Arimura's Ryutaro Witnesses. Thanks for the name Ritsu LOL

  18. I am feeling so bad but good too... I think need go to psychologist.

    1. Zeus


      i feel you @Delkmiroph

  19. I bought the "loyalty" single with DVD and cost to me so expensive to get wrong DVD content D:

  20. I lost my headphones... I lost my music life D:

    1. Atreides


      Well I really hope you find em.  Good luck!

    2. Delkmiroph


      I will buy the same hahaha

    3. Atreides


      Take some time and see if you can find your original ones :D  That's extremely expensive yo

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  21. I loved new songs Plastic tree <3

  22. I miss you D'espairsRay 

  23. I never though that divorce its a hard thing...

  24. I still waiting my copies of 「デも/demo」 release. I am happy to have this great stuff. In soon my review about.

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