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Everything posted by Masamune

  1. Masamune

    Linh-san said pretty much everything wanted to say. I love his voice too, hope he find a new band.
  2. Masamune

    The usual lazy Laruka, how come everything they release has older songs on it. Even though i love them there's no way i'm buying this album.
  3. Masamune

    I'm curious now, gonna go check it out.
  4. Masamune

    MUCC - ARCADIA I know people say trying different stuff and experimenting is good but mucc failed so hard with this album, i' ve been a fan of theirs for Good knows how many years but when i listened to this album i felt like crying, it was that awful. the GazettE - Toxic Urghh, i don't know why i even bother with these guys anymore, the last few years they have become so stale and boring. Its like one of my friends said, these days most of their fans are female who are more into the members than the music, kinda agree. girugamesh - GO Another one of my fave bands who slowly over the year tuned into a bad jpop band, just thinking of how much they changed makes me RAGE! At the moment i can only think of these 3, i'll probably think of more later on. PS: Agree with Zesh on Para:noir, gave them a try a few times but didn't like them, needs to layoff the autotune.....do they even have a song where they dont use it? I've never heard them without it.
  5. Masamune

    Yeah its quite a surprise seeing as there is only 2 of them left in the band, i was expecting a disband, glad to see they are sticking around.
  6. Masamune

    Yay! Great news, thank you.
  7. Masamune

  8. Masamune

    Welcome to the site, nice to meet.....oh i know you, xD. Hi visualkeigirl!
  9. Masamune

    Agree! For me that's their best release since going major.
  10. Masamune

    Lol, yeah he does look alot different. He's the first picture on the left.
  11. Masamune

    Not surprised as they were terrible, well to me anyway.
  12. Well i don't think too badly of them at all, for example lets say there's a singer who loves music deeply and has a freaking awesome voice but there's one problem, he can't write music no matter how hard he tries, so he gets someone to help, i see no problem with that at all.
  13. Masamune

    Their new song "FUTURE" can be heard on this video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwi0WOD1DjM Skip to 3:40 for the song.
  14. Masamune

    Wow, you'd think the tickets would have sold out by now seeing as there is only a few.
  15. Masamune

    Didnt like FFXIII myself, way too linear, story was bad, plus i also hated the whole cast which is a first for a FF game for me. Now on the other hand versus looks freaking awesome, wish it would hurry up.
  16. Masamune

    I'll go post this over on my website now, hopefully that should help shift some tickets.
  17. Masamune

    Didn't really expect much but had a listen anyway. I liked "Ones Weakness", the rest were just bland, boring and sounded all too similar. I would do a track by track review but each description would just say "meh". 2/10
  18. Masamune

    Meh, everything reminds people of Dir en Grey. Looking forward to the album.
  19. Masamune

    Just hope there is more upbeat songs on this album, as i do love D=OUT but not a big fan of thier slower songs. for example, the new video above is sleep inducing.
  20. Masamune

    Urgh, sounds like most of their other songs......another boring release.
  21. Masamune

    Miya needs a kick to the head, his experimenting is driving me mad, xD. Not sure what to think of preivew though, was too short.
  22. Masamune

    Hope its better than the last single which was absolute crap. Don't have high hopes though.
  23. I doubt An Cafe will be apart for oo much long, soon they'll all run out of cash and realize they can make more money as An Cafe, xD.
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