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Everything posted by Masamune

  1. Masamune

    Pretty much everything i wanted to say.
  2. Masamune

    mrsmisser uploaded PV here. http://s1113.photobucket.com/albums/k50 ... hasePV.mp4
  3. Masamune

    Pretty much given up, thanks for having a look for me though. How do bands expect to get sales when they make their stuff so hard to buy.
  4. Make him the second GACKT? Tha't kinda impossible. Jui is pretty much a nobody in Japan and Vidoll weren't that popular. My sis was a big fan of them but i could never get into them.
  5. Masamune

    They sound like SuG......i think i'll pass on this one, xD. Still having no luck finding anything from Shiva.
  6. Been looking all morning for a place to buy the new mini called "Neverland" but having no luck whatsoever, so yeah if you know a place i can buy it please let me know, thanks. M2ZzGsy7ruY
  7. Masamune

    Yeah i can't find nothing either, i want that mini album.
  8. Masamune

    Great topic! Gonna check a few of these out! After listening to them i'm not surprised alot of them are unknown. I liked Shiva and Levia though, they sound great, the rest are meh! @fitear1590: The Raid, i can get their single from a friend of mine next week. @Senedjem: WFT was that! xD. Please put it back where you found it, lol. EDIT: Where can i buy that Shiva mini album "NEVERLAND" it sounds freaking awesome.
  9. Masamune

    CHASE (FULL SONG) mFvr4Fnc9kY
  10. Masamune

    I used to like Dragonforce but got sick of them after a short while, The lyrics were so bad and so similar in each song.....very cheesy too.
  11. Masamune

    WOW! All new songs, was expecting this album to be most of the singles. Awesome, very awesome.
  12. Masamune

    Same here Sai, Brainstorm was maybe the most boring and generic song they've released but i really liked DEEP SIX so i'm kinda curious of how this album is gonna sound.
  13. Masamune

    I wonder if there're any chances he could join some ubercrapproject band as a fulltime member soon (something ucp-grade original, RENTREROMANIA for example) RENTREROMANIA, lol!
  14. Masamune

    After trying it a few more time i still can't like it. The PV is horrible, the song is a mess and they look like a joke. Still love them though.
  15. Masamune

    Thanks to CAT here is the full PV. JeG0XTc-wt4 IMO worst song of 2011 and worst mucc song EVER!
  16. Masamune

    Mucho is leaving after their free one-man on November 11th. Source
  17. Masamune

    Agree, they are nothing alike and so much better than D=OUT.
  18. Masamune

    I tried a few of their releases, they were't too good.
  19. Masamune

    Oh damn! That last pic scares the crap out of me!
  20. Masamune

    Here's a few more. L'Arc~en~Ciel: Newer stuff always taken down. Vamps: Always deleted UVERworld: Always deleted THE KIDDIE: Deleted pretty quick ONE OK ROCK: Always deleted coldrain: Always deleted Luzmelt: Lost count how many times they took down Sacrifice PV Every band of PSC gets taken down quickly except for SCREW, they never get deleted, its like PSC don't even care that their stuff is uploaded.
  21. Masamune

    OZ: A few videos were deleted when people uploaded a preview of their new PV. DELUHI: I once uploaded all their PV's once and they all got taken down along with my account. SADIE: My Rosario got deleted the other day for infringemnet. Aldious: They get deleted quickly Alice Nine: Always deleted AND: Since they went Major impossible to upload their new stuff BREAKERZ: All the time deleted B'Z: Deleted instantly D: Deleted now and again D=OUT: Deleted now and again DaizyStripper: Deleted now and again D'espairsRay: I always got closed for teir stuff, not sure now though as they are disbanded L'Arc~en~Ciel: All the time deleted I'll give more later Source: Me (Had over 20 accounts deleted)
  22. Masamune

    Oh poop! I searched back 5 pages and didnt see it, plus it was only posted today on their facebook so thought it was new. Evertime i post on this board its been posted, lol.
  23. Masamune

    A remastered version aptly titled "UROBOROS [Remastered & Expanded]" brings you 14 tracks, now including the long version of 'SA BIR' that was only heard live before, the exclusive version of 'BUGABOO' that was previously only available on the limited first press analog release, 'DOZING GREEN' and 'GLASS SKIN' with Japanese lyrics, and 'HYDRA -666-' the coupling track on single "DOZING GREEN." With the the return of sound engineer Tue Madsen, who worked on the band's latest album "DUM SPIRO SPERO," the sound of "UROBOROS" is reborn. Track Listing 1. SA BIR 2. VINUSHKA 3. RED SOIL 4. DOUKOKU TO SARINU 5. TOGURO 6. GLASS SKIN 7. STUCK MAN 8. REIKETSU NARISEBA 9. WARE, YAMI TOTE... 10. HYDRA -666- 11. BUGABOO 12. GAIKA, CHINMOKU GA NEMURU KORO 13. DOZING GREEN 14. INCONVENIENT IDEAL Release Information Release Date: January 11th, 2012 Catalogue #: [initial Limited Version] FCD-0098 / 3,150 JPY (tax in) Record Label: FIREWALL DIV. (Japan) Distribution: Sony Music Distribution(Japan)Inc. (Japan) Formats: CD Source: direngreyofficial@facebook
  24. Masamune

    [Longer Preview] 2lUA0YJjBH8
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