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Everything posted by Masamune

  1. Masamune

    Mini review Red - I've listened to it a few times and i'm already sick of it. 6/10 Vermin - My fave track from this release, it's good but not great, hate the intro. 7/10 AN UNBEARABLE FACT - One word, Boring. 4/10
  2. Masamune

    This piece of crap doesn't deserve a review, all copies should be burnt, i mean what the fuck happened to them, i love mucc to death but this is not the mucc i fell in love with. Sorry for the rant. *Burns cd*
  3. Love Dollis Marry and would love to see a come back, but i'm not gonna get my hopes up as it probably won't happen.
  4. ayabie to AYABIE, that's just stupid. It's the SAME ******* NAME!!!
  5. Masamune

    I love Juka's voice, one of the best i've heard but when ever he bursts into falsetto. Anyway, this is so much better than black bird, that song made me cringe with all the long high notes.
  6. Masamune

    Didn't like this release at all, prefered their last one.
  7. Masamune

    2 new PV's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGbkBmUpmKU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d57CLKJpSp0
  8. Masamune

    Oh, a PV, can't wait.
  9. Masamune

    Wow, mucc sure have fallen, oh well, still love them so i'll just stick with their older stuff.
  10. Masamune

    Very difficult, xD. I need to go back to school.
  11. Masamune

    Yeah, that's what it says on my profile to the left, xD. Just thought i'd report the problem.
  12. Masamune

    A few songs we already have and the news songs were shit! 1/10
  13. Awesome, really looking forward to this, amazing band.
  14. Masamune

    The Farthest, didn't like it at first but now i love it, maybe my fave song of theirs. The more i listened to it the more i liked it, xD.
  15. Masamune

    Short review. Loved all tracks except the intro. 9/10
  16. Masamune

    I'm new to merry and agree 100%, horrible music
  17. Masamune

    Another crap vk band disbands, nothing new here.
  18. Masamune

    Not gonna give much of a review. Birth was imo not very good. 6/10 Really liked the Love album though. 8/10
  19. Masamune

    I'm trying to not get too excited.
  20. Masamune

    Lol, epic fail. They didn't even release anything, Japanese bands these days, xD.
  21. Masamune

    Um..........................................................is human!
  22. Masamune

    Girugamesh used to be good, now they are just your usual VK pop band.
  23. Masamune

    Been trying to edit my topic title as i forgot to add the word PV, i get this when i try to edit it though: Error Code: 17101:742355. Is this normal and i'm not allowed too edit it or is it an error, thanks.
  24. Masamune

    Has a cool si.......oh, already said that. Um.......um......obsessed with Ruki and Reita!
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