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Everything posted by Masamune

  1. Masamune

    Yeah its alot better than i expected too.
  2. Masamune

    DESTINY PV [FULL] http://www.viddler.com/explore/MasamuneHiro/videos/139/
  3. Masamune

    You know my blog? Also, i can't see the pic, it's not loading for me.
  4. Masamune

    New PV, preview. Loving it! LvM_xE1sGKI
  5. Masamune

    PLEDGE - It's a nice song yeah but other than that pretty boring. 4/10 [EDIT] THE TRUE MURDEROUS INTENT - Listened a few more times, the song is just annoying, hate the female vocals. 3/10 VOICELESS FEAR - Didn't like it, nothing i ain't heard before, just a generic Gazette song. - 4/10 Another lackluster release.
  6. Masamune

    Track 1: Not to bad, couldn't listen to it over and pver though. 6/10 Track 2: His voice kinda annoyed me on this track. Track 3: Meh...meh.......and MEH! 5/10
  7. Masamune

    VK bands and disbanding go hand in hand. Was bound to happen sooner or later.
  8. Masamune

    As soon as i read the news i thought the same thing.
  9. Yeah watched the whole concert yesterday, ABS were in a league of thier own compared to the other bands that played.
  10. Masamune

    Hikaru Utada, love her voice.
  11. Masamune

    Thanks byou, oh and i've just finished downloading it.
  12. Masamune

    Finally a Sample - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34B7coLp550
  13. Masamune

    Regrettable, but inevitable.
  14. Masamune

    Just found a place to download it at, day 1 and 2, the file sizes are freaking huge though. Each day is 19GB!!! Does anyone know who's appearing there, if it's a good lineup i'll download it and convert it to a smaller size in AVI and post it here. EDIT: Hope this is the right board to ask on.
  15. Masamune

    Ok, gonna have to compress it and upload to mediafire, it's around 6GB.
  16. Masamune

    Um, not sure if anyone still wants it but i have just got ahold of the JACK IN THE BOX 2010 vol 1 and 2, which was aired in HD on TV.
  17. Masamune

    Lol, he reminds me of a chameleon.
  18. Masamune

    They sound exactly the same as when Jasmine was with them, also i was never a big fan of him anyway, what i hated though was that after his death everyone seemed to love him.
  19. Masamune

    Full PV - http://www.viddler.com/explore/MasamuneHiro/videos/122/
  20. Masamune

    Seeing as this is Dir en Grey i have no idea what the next single is gonna be like, all i know is that i can't wait!
  21. Masamune

    Wow, the mysterious band is back. I remember awhile back when they just vanished, first every members blogs went down one by one, then the ohp closed, also was never mentioned why.
  22. Masamune

    One of t greatest anime ever! The second Season, New Challenger was great too, i heard the company that made the anime has gone bankrupt though so i wonder if we will ever see the third season.
  23. Wonder how long till the disband, soon maybe?
  24. Masamune

    New album - http://twitter.com/AliceNine_STAFF
  25. Masamune

    Not a bad album, a few good songs, fave track was Rosary. 7/10 At least it was better than X-Rays, that album was an insult to my ears.
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