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Everything posted by Flame-X

  1. Flame-X

    Saw both the new Spiderman movie and Toy Story 4. Both very enjoyable. Though if I had to pick which was better in terms of entertainment, I would have to go with Toy Story 4 surprisingly. I'm pretty much done investing in MCU movies after this. It's just too much for me to keep up at this point. Investing another 11 or so years for the next phase? Ya.... nope, not happening. As for Toy Story, man this 4th one proved me wrong. Thought 3 was the perfect conclusion and anything after would just be cash grabs. But I'm glad I was wrong. This is definitely up there on my top 5 flicks of 2019.
  2. Flame-X

    I need some clarification. What do you mean by inherently luciferian?
  3. Not sure about the details but it has been verified in interviews (written articles and video clips) that there's been a lot of tension between the LUNA SEA members due to their egos. Also, I don't know if this was a rumor but I've been hearing a lot of things between Kisaski and Dir en grey's Kyo years back. Can anyone confirm?
  4. Flame-X

    I guess I'll give my brief testimony here. I grew up in a Christian household however I had a little fallout in my teen years because I was rebellious and arrogant. Long story short, I had misconceptions about Christianity on many areas and then I became a born again believer after investigating the claims of Jesus. I was a blind believer because I was intellectually lazy to read the bible in its entirety and ask important questions. Let's face it, just because you grew up believing a certain world view doesn't mean it's true. We have to a little digging to see if the claims are true. And the bible encourages everyone to test it, "but test them all; hold on to what is good" - 1 Thessalonians 5:21. The existence of Jesus Christ is a historical fact based on eye witness testimonies which is the 4 gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). And the fact that Jesus died by crucifixion and the empty tomb has been acknowledged by non-Christian historians and scholars. Even a very critical agnostic scholar, Bart Erhman, said it's an indisputable fact. Then you have the disciples and apostles who went to their horrible bloody deaths professing this faith. Now, there are people who have died believing in whatever faith they have, but here's the difference between other religions and Christianity. The disciples and apostles didn't just died for what they believe, they died claiming to have seen the risen Jesus. So that tells me these guys' convictions were so strong that no matter what the persecution levels they faced, they'd be willing to be tortured and die for it. So what is Christianity? The bible teaches that Jesus is God in human form who came into our world to die for our sins. Because of our fallen nature, God wanted to restore our broken relationship with him and fulfilled that through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now read this carefully because this is one of the most important part on what Christianity is; Christianity is the ONLY world view where your salvation is UNMERITED. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9. But then begs the question, why? Why would God do this? The answer is quite simple: LOVE. Love is the central theme of this faith. "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16. Christianity at its core is a relationship with God, it was never a religion in the first place. Religious people find God useful, but growing Christians find God beautiful. I'm a Christian because it's true and I've realized my sinfulness and shortcomings that I need God. If I could live up to the bible, then I wouldn't need God, but the fact is I'm too flawed that's why need him. After I became a Christian, I felt free and was able to have my eyes opened to know what's right and wrong. It is just like what CS Lewis said, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” After reading the gospels, there's only 3 conclusions you can come up with about Jesus Christ. Either he's a liar, lunatic, or Lord. If anyone has God's stamp of approval, it would be the guy who rose from the dead. That alone gives me the eternal hope. Now let's get real here. Christianity never promises an easy or successful life. In fact, pain and suffering gets worse in life as a Christian. Jesus is the paradigm of our suffering when read up what he went through on the day of crucifixion. Read the book of Acts in the New Testament to know the kind of life the disciples and apostles went through. Anyone who teaches the gospels as something that promises you an easy or successful life on earth are teaching you the "prosperity gospel" which is false! Nowhere in the bible says that. In fact, Jesus backs it up by this; "Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." - Luke 9:23 and "For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name." - Acts 9:16. In other words, there's a cost in being a Christian. I can certainly testify my life has gotten worse after proclaiming this faith; received death threats, friendships lost, job loss, accused of false acts, and so on. What Christianity promises is eternal life in heaven enjoying the presence of God. If there's anyone considering Christianity, you need to ask yourself these questions: Does truth matter to you? If Christianity were true, would you become a Christian? "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” - John 8:32. Once you've made a decision to investigate, I recommend reading the gospel of John as a starting point so you know who Jesus Christ really is, then read some apologetic books to get a grasp on the evidence such as "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel who was a former athiest and Chicago Tribunes journalist, "Cold Case Christianity" by J Warner Wallace who was a former atheist homicide detective, and "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus" by Nabeel Qureshi who was a former Muslim.
  5. Flame-X

    I'm very selective when it comes to rap/hip-hop due to tiring vulgar lyrical content but, I recently discovered NF and he's quite the surprise. His songs are mainly about real life issues that really hits the heart of things, and the way he raps is filled with passion and high energy that reminds me of some of the older Eminem songs. Also, I love how his music videos are filmed. If you're planning on giving NF a shot, just be prepared for the feels... https://tinyurl.com/y7r2mqor https://tinyurl.com/yawe4y28
  6. Flame-X

    I still listen to these guys sometimes Mainly just 1 song, Regret. The main guitarist, Yuki, has been playing in many other bands such as Acid Black Cherry and Rayflower. The only other band I know that was formed just to promote an anime was Chrome Shelled. It was a song called Silent Talk. I don't know how long they lasted or if they had other songs but that's all I think can of on top of my head.
  7. Flame-X

    Excited for this.
  8. Flame-X

    Awesome, I'll be waiting. My only concern is Ryuichi's lack of control of his vibratos that was nearly unbearable when listening to the album title song LUV.
  9. HIzumi AND Kishi? That's a very interesting combination. It's like taking a part of D'espairsRay and abingdon boys school. I'm really curious to know what they'll sound like.
  10. Flame-X

    Avengers End Game Go see it!
  11. Flame-X

    Sometimes, just simply listening helps a lot to the other person. If you want to give them advice, ask them first. Keep asking them questions to get a clarification of their situation. That's what I would do. We'll often be self righteous to a point where we fail to have empathy.
  12. Flame-X

    So I've watched the first 2 eps of One Punch Man Season 2. I don't know about everyone else but this adaptation has been so flat. This is not just the visuals though, it's also the voice acting. Is it strange that I find the manga pops out a lot more in the humor and the action scenes? I know JC Staff is a bit more competent based on some of their previous works but alas. The good thing I can say so far is the pacing. The plot has been progressing pretty fast as if they crammed multiple manga chapters in a single ep.
  13. Flame-X

    Luna Sea and Gundam, two of my favorite things put together. Am I dreaming?
  14. Flame-X

    Not sure if I should be posting this here or Recently Watched Movies thread but... I saw Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly at a one night showing at a local theater. It's slightly better than the first one in terms of how dark it is and the action intensity. However, like all Fate anime, it's got some serious pacing issues. You have 30-40 min talk scenes and 30 min of straight up action. Very unbalanced and poorly edited to me. I don't know if this is a visual novel thing that's hard to adapt into a movie form but that's my only major gripe with it. After seeing this flick, I fully support Shiro X Sakura ship. Their romance is far more realized than the other routes I've seen. The Salter vs Herc fight was quite the spectacle. It really made me wonder why Salter is a 4* in FGO in the first place considering how OP she is. Since there's one more movie after this, it ends in a cliffhanger followed by Aimer's awesome new song in the ED. Spring 2020 is going to be a painful wait and it's going to be very interesting how they'll end it.
  15. Someone forgot to put the social media links directing to MH's accounts.

  16. Flame-X

    The Case For Miracles: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for the Supernatural by Lee Strobel
  17. Flame-X

    Saw Dragonball Super Broly movie dubbed in theaters last week. It is the best Dragonball movie up to date. No BS here, goes straight into the story. What I really liked here is they gave Broly much more of a character than just a cardboard villain. He's someone we as an audience can be sympathetic towards to. The action scenes are nicely animated, though some fight scenes are a bit too fast for my eyes to keep up. I actually have not watched the DBSuper series but I've seen the recent movies to know the characters featured in this one. So it was not hard to follow at all. Obviously, this isn't recommended to newcomers. The one downside for me was the retconning on some parts of the beginning. Other than that, I rate this movie an 8/10.
  18. Flame-X

    Spiderman Into the Spiderverse Without a doubt, it's the best Spiderman movie I've seen. Get out there and see it before it no longer shows on the big screen.
  19. My goodness people. I'm just gonna quote someone's tweet that I'm in total agreement with. "All the screaming about EVA and live action Bebop on Netflix illustrates something that has annoyed me forever....there's no need to whine endlessly about something you DON'T HAVE TO WATCH. If the thing is so bad, STFU and just move on to something else."
  20. Flame-X

    Creed 2 Nowhere near as stellar as the first one, but still a worthy flick to be seen on the big screen. Before the first trailer came out, I thought the prediction of Ivan Drago having a son taking on Adonis Creed was just a silly joke from youtube comments because the first Creed was so brilliantly done that I thought it was too smart to pull another Rocky IV. Well, it certainly wasn't as silly as Rocky IV even though it was quite entertaining. Boxing matches are done well except no single take shots like in the first one. Rocky is more likable than ever. Music didn't impress me as the first. Adonis kinda annoyed me for being stubbornly prideful. Not a bad sequel overall but it wasn't necessary.
  21. Looks like Sunrise has SUGIZO involved with the Gundam 40th anniversary project. But with what?

    1. suji


      looks like Luna Sea will be cooking up the project's theme song *and* the series' opening theme



  22. Flame-X

    In that case, this is the only other option I can suggest. Otherwise, you're stuck with the massive Hadith collection which is over 20 books. Good luck. https://www.amazon.com/Twenty-Three-Years-Prophetic-Mohammad/dp/1568590296
  23. Flame-X

    Okay, I'll recommend one for you. https://www.amazon.com/History-Jihad-Muhammad-ISIS/dp/1682616592 This one as well if you're further interested. https://www.amazon.com/God-but-One-Investigates-Christianity/dp/0310522552
  24. Flame-X

    Are going to read the Sahih Bukhari of the Hadith collection or something outside the Islamic sources for the bio of Muhammad?
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