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Posts posted by Asakusa

  1. Mad Stalin is a reference to The Stalin, after all...Michiro Endo (the vocalist of the Stalin) is the one who inspired kyo to become a vocalist.

    Meh. I always believed that Mad Stalin was in reference to Joseph Stalin and what he did.

    also this picture was always in the background of theyr MAD STALIN thingie on the shows


    and I always believed that Kiyoharu from Kuroyume inspired Kyo to become a vocalist.

  2. I thought this was the worst single out of the last three. But you cannot always be perfect. This one's just good. The title track is fine, but not as amazing as the past singles. I do not feel the power I felt with their last singles. The arrangement is cool, but it lacks emotion. Kinda.

    I have mixed feelings about the Lost Generation replay: I think the original is better but they did create an interesting new version of it. Their remixes are always forgettable IMO. So is this one. After hearing it once I couldn't be bothered to listen to it again as I always prefer the original song over a remix.


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