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Posts posted by Asakusa

  1. You can't compare Lynch to Deathgaze.

    Lynch = listenable

    Deathgaze = unlistenable

    Deathgaze just has to be one of the worst bands ever, and they ALWAYS have the worst drum sound. It's hilarious!

    lynch. = unlistenable

    DEATHGAZE = listenable.

    I know what to expect from both bands and have learned to accept them, but that doesn't mean I'll be swayed.

    As people have done with DEATHGAZE, I have given lynch. plenty of chances and have always been left disappointed. [not to say there weren't some parts I liked in the new song, but there were more unfavorable parts as a whole...]

    LOL I'll never take those opinions seriously since Hazuki was the first vocalist in DEATHGAZE.

  2. Lynch. - I'm sick, b'coz luv u.

    Everything except for the song title is great. What the fuck did they think about when they named the song "I'm sick, b'coz luv u."?

    maybe the same you were thinking when you registered by the name of OldCheesey.

    on topic: been listening to sekai no owari's EARTH album over and over again.

  3. your wallpapers are awesome as always, Lily.

    I want to req one if you don't mind? please

    something like a Daisuke memorial

    with his date of born and death, please. I'll apreciate it so much.

  4. obvious troll is obvious

    :staru: Nice try, but just being an honest bitch :staru: . The album really was utter trash imo.

    It's all about tastes. Some people love maria cross's voice and some don't (and he sounds like he is being violated) lulz

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