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Posts posted by Asakusa

  1. his vocals were pretty dire as ever, most of the tracks are incredibly generic or poorly composed - don't think I've heard an album that sounds so thin - and the production is awful for such a hyped release. Gara's track was boring as hell. The big chorus number was one of the worst tracks I've heard in a long while, the random pathetic jazz solo really topped it off. Kyo's vocals are tragic, almost as bad the the big chorus number. Gonna be in a two-way tie with Gaga for worst album of the year.


    obvious troll is obvious

  2. I'll put it this way:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE MINZY!! I'd marry her :3

    CL may be the 2nd one I like (not like Minzy) 'cuz she's very cool and I respect her.

    Park Bom is cute and sweet.

    Dara is ok.

    but I love the fact that all of them ARE 2NE1 (if you know what I mean)

    I can't imagine 2NE1 with any other (new) members.

    if one of the girls leaves the band then it wouldn't be 2NE1 anymore.

    Anyways, I like the four of them (but I love Minzy <3)

  3. They even started to steal from lynch. Compare SHADOWS to Before I Decay, it's just ridiculous.

    it's even more ridiculous that both of them stealed it from this band:


    The only problem that I have with this comparison is that there's no end in sight. As long as you keep going farther and farther back you can keep stating that "x band ripped x song off of y artist" because of similar construction to an earlier song. It's not as if song structure itself can be plagiarized so I don't understand why people keep saying the GazettE stole this from lynch. and they stole that from NoGoD. Search around, I'm sure a song before Saikou no Sekai used the same pattern, and then a song before that, and then a song before that. Claiming that's a ripoff is akin to saying that breakdowns in metalcore are all plagiarized from one another since they all sound the same.


    that was the point of posting that video of NoGoD

    That's why making music should be left to those who don't find it so hard.

    omg... I lol'd so hard.

  4. One of my favorite bands. Their constant change of ''sound'' makes me RAGE!

    Still can't get over their last album which was freaking horrible.

    I have to agree. Their last change was way too extreme.

  5. ^Yeah, but I haven't been to a jrawk concert since last summer when I went to Oslo to see Versailles. So nah, not feeling sorry for the ones that get 4 (OR 5?) Kaya tour dates. I'd have to be fucking dreaming for that to happen.

    I think I said 5 or 6 releases (singles, albums or DVD). Not to compare with TOURS, please. Seriously, here in Chile (at least) the life is hard, you work a lot you get paid a little. I lived in Europe for 10 months and I know life is hard but they pay you much more than here. That IS why I can't buy some releases 'cause of my house, my family and other stuff. You see? I can't go buying every release that japanese bands put out. You mad because we get these TOURS? Let me tell you something, DIR EN GREY is my fave band and that's all the japanese concert I have went to. I couldn't go to MUCC nor Versailles because of the money. And you want ME to feel sorry about that? when you get EUROPEAN TOURS and FESTIVALS with many many japanese and non japanese bands. Give me a break.

    Well nowadays I have to travel through 2 or 3 countries to see a band. I don't have the money to do that, y u mad? You get my freaking dream, be happy.


  6. ^Yeah, but I haven't been to a jrawk concert since last summer when I went to Oslo to see Versailles. So nah, not feeling sorry for the ones that get 4 (OR 5?) Kaya tour dates. I'd have to be fucking dreaming for that to happen.

    I think I said 5 or 6 releases (singles, albums or DVD). Not to compare with TOURS, please. Seriously, here in Chile (at least) the life is hard, you work a lot you get paid a little. I lived in Europe for 10 months and I know life is hard but they pay you much more than here. That IS why I can't buy some releases 'cause of my house, my family and other stuff. You see? I can't go buying every release that japanese bands put out. You mad because we get these TOURS? Let me tell you something, DIR EN GREY is my fave band and that's all the japanese concert I have went to. I couldn't go to MUCC nor Versailles because of the money. And you want ME to feel sorry about that? when you get EUROPEAN TOURS and FESTIVALS with many many japanese and non japanese bands. Give me a break.

  7. He will announce something about South America too <3333

    So excited :wub:

    do you mean this one?

    so exciting, indeed <3

    in case you didn't know. we don't have that lot of money nor a thing like Gan-shin here in south-america, etc.

    I own like 5 or 6 original releases just in 4 years. so, thanks for your understanding.

  8. knew about the album today before going to work. i wanted to hear JUMPER and i didn't remember in which album it was, so i went to their OHP and saw the cover of their new release... and i went like "OMFG! AWESOME!!". (then i worked hard listening to JUMPER all day long) the end.

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