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Posts posted by Asakusa

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    Seriously, no. The whole idea about ApocalypticaXdiru tour is stupid as fuck, but this is a whole new level. Apo. looks pathetic and Kyo sounds awful. (Kyo's my fav singer ofalltimeblahblah, but crappy shit is crappy)

    Also, Kyo looks sosoosooo petite compared to those Finns it's not even cute.

    omg kyo is not kawaii desu ne when he is singing with a finnish band! he looks so tiny that's not kawaii desu ne! i don't like non asian playing music with asian ppl D: i don't want kyo to be known around the world 'cuz he's doing a song with apocalypshit! nonono!

    ... seriously... a tour of apoXdiru is stupid as fuck!? hey... so msiXdiru tour was what? face it, you find pathetic the idea of asian with non asian playing together, that's all.

  2. Who said I like those songs?

    Who said I even like Dir en grey? >___>

    it was an example.

    man, how 'bout learn to read huh? normally i don't listen to the lyrics, apart form those u REALLY can't ignore (unfortunately)... and since i don't speak any engrish or jap, i don't give a fcuk what kyo sings (i never even bothered reading the translations)

    and one last thing: IF i'd dig the lyrics, it would be weird lyrics - probably like pink killer or zomboid, coz i-no he CAN write some real shit too, unlike oli

    naa, it all depends on your own sense about things.

  3. normally i don't care 'bout lyrics, but unfortunately i can't ignore the lyrics in FUCK... pretty retarded shit, written by a retarded singer

    Agreed, the lyrics for FUCK is just retarded.

    lol when kyo writes random shit (zomboid, pink killer, etc.) he is a fucking genius.

    but oli writes random shit and he is a fucking retarded.

    i don't get you ppl...

  4. pretty awesome album imo. didn't liked the stuff 12012 were doing lately but this album gave me a lot of hope in them for the future.

    can't stop listening to the album everyday, I like every song in it.

    it's different thanks to wataru's singing and screaming (not the best but still ok)

    it turned out to be one of my fav albums and I give 10/10

  5. Don't you hate when bands you initially dislike grow on you? happened to me with Bring me the Horizon, BrokeNCYDE and DOT DOT CURVE
    Brokencyde? Woah, probably shouldnt've brought that out in the open like that.
    yeah, but i had to admit it :(

    i felt so ashamed when i started to enjoy theyr music... the same with Blood on the Dance Floor...

    i don't know what happened to me that day.

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