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Everything posted by X-Marc

  1. X-Marc

    seen a lot of movies lately Hangover 2, hated it, couldnt laugh a single moment. didnt like part 1, so didnt expect to like part 2, but it was even worse. Plus i officialy hate Zach Galifianakis now. didnt really like him (always plays the same roles, the akward fat guy who doesnt know how to handle situations and always acts strange and insults people), but in this movie he was so annoying, god, wanted to kill him Pirates of the Carribean On Stranger Tides i heared a lot of bad comments about it so didnt expect too much, but i really liked it. Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush have such chemistry together! plus happy not to see Keira Knightley and Orlando Boring, ehm.. Bloom. And finally after two movies with octopushead "im so sad" now we have an awsome villian in Captain Blackbeard. so yeah thumbs up! Kung Fu Panda 2 not as funny as part 1, but still, kinda funnyXD A Serbian Film this is one of the most shocking movies around according to lots of people. the themes are really shocking and some sick stuff happens, but i guess im not that shocked easily lately or something. or is it wrong to see a man fuck a baby who has been born 2 seconds before and not give a shit? haha Insidious movie starts off good, really creepy, demon looks creepy. but once daddy enters the phantom world and you can see the demon properly, the whole effect is ruined. so first hour is good, builds up good tension, has cool effects. last 40 minutes are: meeeeh, been there done that. Fast and Furious 5 The Rock AND Vin Diesel, that cant go wrong. PLUS Han is back. nuff said. haha, no really awsome movie, lots of familiar faces, awsome stunts, cool fights, humor, its all there. my favorite of the series so far. My Haunted Ex Girlfriend a thai movie wich is supposed to break all sales records in thailand, from the makers of art of the devil (wich i quite enjoyed). well the movie starts really slow, and all the scares lead to nothing. a movie that when you've seen it you're like: did i just spend 90 minutes watching for nothing? boring movie thats all i can remember for now=p
  2. X-Marc

    the best english comedy has to offer. i can just talk along with The Holy Grail and Life of Brian, have seem them both soooo many times. this is one of the few comedy things that stood the test of time their live show in the hollywood bowl is also sooo funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1IJiAXjj7k this is perfect!!
  3. X-Marc

    Efteling - De Vliegende Hollander - Uitvaren its the soundtrack of an attraction from a dutch theme park. Really an awsome soundtrack, plus awsome ride! In english the attraction is called The Flying Dutchman and its an boat that goes into a rollercoaster, really awsome, with cool effects, good story telling and even better music
  4. Mass Effect 1 when i had to kill my Krogan when he went berserk nooooooooo, played with him so much=( Mass Effect 2 some of my members died in the final battle, and its just, you sort of get to know them=p its hard to see them die then. And Zelda has some of the best moments in gaming history for me. and i really have the feeling im forgetting a game, im gonna find out wich one=p
  5. X-Marc

    i bought it last week, havent been able to play it longer as an hour so far, but really like it=) golden sun just has a special place in my heart hahah
  6. X-Marc

    Deluhi - Vandalism Bull Zeichen 88 - Come On! - Megaton Mirai -
  7. X-Marc

    aah kinda liked them, hope they get new members soon
  8. X-Marc

    its funny to see so many people grew up with despa same here, first jrock/vk band i saw live, at Wacken 2006 and like the 3rd japanese band i started listening to after gackt and diru. aah damn, hope hizumi's condition gets better someday and they do a glorious revive=p
  9. X-Marc

    =(NOOOOOOOOO!! really liked them! especially after Monsters i listened more to them then before. glad i still got to see them 3 times. and i feel really sorry for Hizumi. this must be really hard on him
  10. X-Marc

    that Jon guy is from a band named fade http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOEWcLtKHMk this is a song by them i hate his voice-_- i hope he shuts up the whole gig
  11. X-Marc

    haha damn, another one? demon has just been shippedXD awsome news love em
  12. X-Marc

    hope the bonus songs are also on the special edition from japan since i ordered those=p is it already known what will be on that edition? the 2 cd, 1 dvd, 2 lp i mean
  13. X-Marc

    love the artwork. the the tracklist, i dont really care for names as long as the songs are good=p
  14. X-Marc

    Okay here's my entry, this was pretty fun!! Record name: Disordered World Records Band: Journalism AlivE Members: Vocals: 苑 (Sono) → Renge → Gride → Jeniva → Matenrou Opera (摩天楼オペラ) Guitar: hide → Saver Tiger → X Japan → hide with Spread Beaver Guitar: Omi (乙魅) → exist†trace Bass: マヤ (mayabeya) → り????。 → ドレミ團 (DOREMIdan) → mayabeya (solo project) → アナクロクロック → mayabeya (solo project) → SHEENA Drums: テロ (Tero) → Vidoll Debut Album: There are them up PV: The Learn Chances of Succes: pretty slim i guess since hide is deceased. haha but furthermore a fun collection. Sono, Omi and Tero make a cool team, dont really like mayabeya, since i have nothing with doremidan. nice indie band hahaha=p or well all the members are from (ex)major bands so it might be a nice major band hahah=p
  15. X-Marc

    YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz WORLD TOUR *SHOW UR SOUL.Ⅰ* GACKT - "YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz" new band members announced! At a wild press conference yesterday at a hotel in Tokyo "YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz" announced their new line-up! ...Vocals: GACKT, JON Guitar: TAKUMI, YOU, CHACHAMARU Bass: U:ZO Drums: SHINYA The band will be kicking off their World Tour in Paris, France on July 20th, playing in 9 countries, 13 cities in Europe! Followed by a nationwide Japan tour starting on September 14th in Zepp Tokyo. Get ready for amazing YFC shows!!! YFC was formed in March of 2010 touring in Japan and Europe. After the earthquake and tsunami disaster in March 2011, together with all their staff members they joined together in support of the fund for children who lost their families. YFC has decided to donate part of their revenue from touring to this fund.
  16. X-Marc

    4th that! really hope they do an europe tour someday soon! really like the 2 songs, even tough Gara didnt sound that good (usually i love his live voice) really need to get my hands on Hameln
  17. X-Marc

    kra vs dauto kra aaaal the way, never liked dauto one bit, from the 1st single to their latest its all just rubbish kra's latest album however was a nice suprise, really hope they dont go=O
  18. X-Marc

    Jun-Ji and Chirolyn will not be part of the upcoming YFC tours, it seems they are no longer part of Gacktjob and what the fuck is up with the new members!?!?!? they look like total random guys no one has ever heard of Generic White Guy 1 whats up with this? no japanese guy? hmmmm and whats up with this guy? me wantzzz hamburgaaa *with a Jabba the Hutt voice* and look at gackts awfull new hair, wtf look at him being a pretty boy. liked ALL of his previous haristyles 100000x times more then this now without Jun-Ji and Chirolyn im not that excited anymore=o EDIT: on the niconico broadcast it appears YFC is a seperate band now, so aside from Gackt(Job). so it seems sort of logical is has other members then i gues... and they sort of announced an american tour it seemed... EDIT 2: one of the guys is Shinya from Luna Sea, as seen here: the left one, really hope he drums in the band! 2nd, the white guy is named John and he is the new or 2nd vocalist or something. Hope its a joke and hes not actually a member=p the whole broadcast was staged btw, its kind of funny=) the other guy of wich i said: i like hamburgaaaaz looks kind of familiar. maybe from a gackt pv or from another band, his name is:Uzo or something, maybe someone recognizes him?
  19. X-Marc

    i have no faith in it ever being released, x-japan has been a mess ever since the reunion. cancelling gigs and tours in the first 2 years. promising new stuff and all we heared are the dissapointing born to be free and jade. i think it was best if there was never a reunion in the first place. and then again its really sad to see a band like luna sea do a reunion and succeed! with new live dvds, new album on the way, remaster of the first album wich turned out great. its just that yoshiki is much too busy with too much things
  20. still cant make anything of this preview like the drums tough
  21. X-Marc

    nice to see they are still active! want another europe tour!
  22. X-Marc

    nooooooooooooo, really liked them!!!
  23. X-Marc

    @ Kaye yeah they should do a worldwide tour with Fact!!!=D last time i saw them in holland they were awsome! but they only had a slot for 30 minutes on a festival, wanna see them longer
  24. X-Marc

    now lets hope for that follow-up euro tour=P love the omen pv!
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