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Everything posted by Wonrei

  1. Fuck, I just started listening to these guys last week, and I'm really loving their shit. Rest in peace dude.
  2. Wonrei

    Sounds like it's going to be really good! The electronic sound mixes well with his guitar playing
  3. Wonrei

    The muscled dude is seriously doing the "do you even lift" expression on that pic by the way I don't even like this band but it's gundam so I hope it's good because they may use this song as a bgm in a super robot taisen game
  4. The songs sound quite...generic. I like all the members, but this is not really good :/
  5. Yeaaa...I'm inclined to agree. Explain? Actually there's more on the third dvd too. That's the live where they played while using the shitty make up from the DS PV.
  6. I just noticed 5 of those songs are from the -zombie- thing. DO NOT WANT
  7. It's like an anime version of the disney cover. lol
  8. Wonrei

    The only ones I am caring about so far WTF Kaya... I just can't imagine that song with HIS voice D: P.s. Kinda wondering why there weren't any Kuroyume covers though, I suppose Kiyoharu's diva ego and "upper hand" has something to do with this cover deal... Could also be a label thing. Notice how some of the bands doing covers on these albums are showing up lots of times... I mean, normally a band like Mucc would join this in a heartbeat(before their recent label changes they used to be in almost every cover album out there)
  9. Wonrei

    Well... if you check his old pvs and lives, you'll see he looks much like any pop-vk band from the 90's. Also he was part of a vk band before going solo, I believe. EDIT: lol AsRSskj3kBE
  10. Wonrei

    Finally a good tracklist! lol there is a cover of my favorite kyosuke himuro song, also Kaya covering laputa and more X Japan(by Inugami circus dan? LOL) and sophia
  11. Mazohyst of decadence... Nice!
  12. Wonrei

    Cool! No b-sides though,lol.
  13. Wonrei

    Both new singles sound pretty good, but S sounds better... don't know why, I just hadn't heard a good Sid rock song in a while, I guess.
  14. Wonrei

    I was kind of expecting a change considering their last mini was already pretty different. I like it.
  15. Wonrei

    I like it. My main problem with Beautiful freaks was not style, more like the melodies - but I like it on this one. Waiting.
  16. Wonrei

    I remember hearing something about Juri saying on his twitter he has been producing bands.
  17. Wonrei

    Oh fuck. I would be excited for the tribute album if it actually made sense. It's sounding like they just paid some shitty western groups just to sound like 'HEY PPL THE AMURIKA GUYS ARE INFLUENCED BY US TOO'. I mean, Boyz II Men, seriously?
  18. Wonrei

    So Aggy was the one wanting to quit Deluhi... so he could sing? lolz need to see this
  19. Wonrei

    Nega is so trolling everyone. V-ROCK IS DEAD is probably going to be a shitty -core song full of rapping, like some sort of 2012 version of limp bizkit.
  20. Oh man I love it! The new single announcement it's also nice! I wonder when are they planning on releasing a new album.
  21. Wonrei

    ZYZZ IS BACK no seriously kozi stop getting bands and do your xavat work
  22. Wonrei

    I believe M is a bonus track on the Ma'ria single or something like that.
  23. I find the Oricon position thing funny, specially because the album didnt sell as much as the other Dir en grey albums, but it did get a higher position than many other Dir en grey albums. lol
  24. I c wut you're doing This dude is going to release solo singles and a solo album then back to Sads, singles and album then Kuroyume, singles and album dude's smart yo
  25. Wonrei

    This. I thought Toxic wasn't good, but it was still listenable. If they just make an entire gazettecore album they will probably join 12012 on the worst of 12012 list.
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