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Everything posted by Vurtox

  1. Vurtox

    Solefald's Norron Livskunst album.
  2. Vurtox

    Haven't checked any Japanese releases yet, gimme a while to check them out and I'll add them. As for non-JP releases: The Ocean - Heliocentric + Anthropocentric Illidiance - Damage Theory Solefald - Norrøn Livskunst Solar Fields - Altered - Second Movements
  3. Vurtox

    League of Gentlemen SE1-3.
  4. Vurtox

    Illidiance - New Millenium Crushers
  5. Shortest: Around 15 minutes, due to my brother and cousin swarming me downstairs whenever I play. Longest: 'bout 36 hours. On average I usually play an hour and a half.
  6. Vurtox

    My mom's "best friend" was slagging my dad off the entire time she came to visit. I had to resist the urge to completely disembowl her infront of my mother. Stupid cow.
  7. Vurtox

    Rofl, U of T. I higly doubt this is legit, funny as hell though.
  8. Vurtox

    Watching videos related to Richard Dawkins, especially if they involve him debating against another person. SO EXCITING.
  9. Vurtox

    No snow yet, but I totally demand some.
  10. Vurtox

    Yay! The Ocean! The new Album is great.^^ Yes, it is amazing. I actually prefer Heliocentric over Anthropocentric cause I love Loic's clean vocals on that album but Anthro still slays. Cloudkicker - What It Is Impossible Not to Know and What It Is No Longer Permissible To Believe in the United States
  11. Vurtox

    Mother fucking weekend.
  12. Vurtox

    The Ocean - For He That Wavereth...
  13. Vurtox

    The Ocean - Firnament
  14. Vurtox

    FO:NV Dragon Age The Ocean's albums "Heliocentric" and "Anthropocentric"
  15. Vurtox

    THE FUCK IS THAT? I must have one.
  16. Vurtox

    The Ocean - Ptolemy Was Wrong LOICCCCC<3
  17. Vurtox

    Jesu's new CD thingie. Heart Ache / Dethroned.
  18. Vurtox

    Spent the majority of the day watching the Guild. =)
  19. Vurtox

    I got the good ol' bully treatment at home. No where else really. School was a retreat compared to home for me. My dad was extremely stressed all the time at work and 99.9% of the time he would bring that stress home and project it onto me not to mention he was a stubborn, "I'm never wrong and if you think I am I'll beat it out of you" type of person. I got a ton of verbal abuse and some physical but thankfully I grew taller than him and he knew that eventually I would retaliate but I never did cause I'm not that kind of person. But I had some pretty emotionally crippling moments with him. Usually the abusive things he did were not that bad. I do remember this one time I bought Pokemon cards from a convenience store with money I was supposed to use for a new agenda and he saw the receipt from the store and he waited behind the door for me to come home after he found out and he pretty much ambushed me and smacked me in the back of the head and push me against the wall, screaming and yelling profanities and stuff. We've both let bigons be bigons and we get along alot better now that I've moved, I invited him to FanExpo as a VIP when I was volunteering there and he's usually the first person I go see when I take a trip back to my old town. As for school, I was a fatter kid back then (I ain't small now, but still) and I rarely ever got insulted by anyone other than that one kid who thinks he's king of the monkey bars who tries to show dominance by insulting everyone he pleases. I was pretty good in the friendship department mainly because I was really open to making friends back then and I didn't care who sat with me or who I sat with at lunch or whatever, now I think humanity is a waste and we're all completely full of shit. I got in a few fights when I was the "new kid" but that's because most of the kids who wanted to start shit were hyper-cunts and total spazzes who had nothing better to do. Actually, I am really good friends with one of the guys I fought with.
  20. Vurtox

    That is the gayest fucking album title ever. But who cares, Turisas<333
  21. Vurtox

    Encephalon - Rise
  22. Vurtox

    I was just kiddin' about the h8. I actually think it's cool when people incorporate things from movies into everyday life, no matter what country it happens in. It's genius, imo.
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