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Everything posted by Vurtox

  1. Vurtox

    sure is Canada h8 in here. Truthfully, shit like this is actually really common in Canada, from far and wide. We're crazy.
  2. Vurtox

    Listening to Cloudkicker when the house is quiet. Talk 'bout an overwhelming sence euphoria.
  3. Vurtox

    Cloudkicker - What It Is Impossible Not to Know and What It Is No Longer Permissible To Believe in the United States WAT? ]]][[[ retake EP? Damn right.
  4. Vurtox

    The Interbeing - Pulse Within The Paradox SO GOOOOOD. New album nao pls.
  5. Thought this was a thread for Ananta. lol. Never heard of this band before. Might check them out later.
  6. Vurtox

    Disillusion - Fall Andy Schmidt, ilusomuchman.
  7. America does have a bunch of good BM like Woe, The Howling Wind, Dagon, Mord, ect, ect. Abigal Williams are most definitely not in that grouping. They're really bland and boring IMO.
  8. Vurtox

    Say what? Lol, I love NPH. I was just stating the fact that if he was guesting on the show that makes the show slightly more interesting to me. Although, if he only shows up in one episode I doubt I'll watch the show in it's entirety.
  9. Vurtox

    Currently DLing New Vegas via Steam. Hopefully I'll be playing it by later this afternoon.
  10. Vurtox

    I personally don't like it cause it's not my type of show. I think NPH was on the show once I believe? So that makes it kinda neat in my books.
  11. Vurtox

    Cloudkicker - % So good, oh my god. Reminds me of something, too. Can't put my finger on it though.
  12. Vurtox

    F1 2010 and Fifa 10
  13. Vurtox

    Illidiance - I Want To Believe powerhouse of a song.
  14. Vurtox

    Moar ME2 swag. Jesus Christ Bioware, you guys pretty much supply my entire wardrobe. All I need now is for you to make N7 jeans. ;D
  15. Earth That Was is the best song. Seriously, Firefly + Arjen = sex. I got my deluxe digibook and t-shirt coming to me soon, if Canada Post deciedes to deliver it. D: I'm uber excited to finally get it.
  16. Vurtox

    wat. Seriously, why post this shit? lol. I don't need to / want to see that and I'm pretty sure countless others don't. just sayin'. -Edit for the sake of not posting in a locked thread- True enough, the warnings were ever present. But I was just bewildered at the fact that someone posted this on TW. Shit's confusing 'yo. Anyways, over and done with locked thread, bai.
  17. Vurtox

    Illidiance - Critical Damage
  18. Vurtox

    I have some storage cases similar to inartistic's accept my cases are 22 years old (no bullshit. I got them from my step-uncle who is 72). As for the categorization, it doesn't exist. -Semi Related- I have a ton of autographs from con's and expo's I've been to or volunteered at and they are either framed or in this ridiculously thick binder.
  19. Vurtox

    FUCK, GOD DAMMIT. I missed CHUCK tonight. SON OF A BITCH, I never miss CHUCK.
  20. Vurtox

    Cyclamen - With Our Hands Fuck, Hayato is a beast.
  21. Vurtox

    Snow on Halloween. The fuck is that shit?
  22. Vurtox

    League of Gentlemen series boxset.
  23. Vurtox

    Halloween candy. Screw the trick or treaters it's all mine. MIIIIINE.
  24. Vurtox

    My uncle play F1 2010
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