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Everything posted by Vurtox

  1. Vurtox

    That site is pretty much my version of the Bible.
  2. Vurtox

    Uh, as far as I know mines meaningless. I mentioned this before in another user name related thread. I stole it from Andy Scmidt who's a member of the band Disillusion.
  3. Vurtox

    "Nathan Fillion dresses up as Mal so he can play Richard Castle!" - Summer Glau @ "Meet the Terminators" Q&A. FanExpo 2010.
  4. Vurtox

    Moi et Summer Glau. S'cuse the fubar look on my face. I was so excited that day I could hardly speak to her, let alone shake her hand. Also, forgive my teeth. They're healthy and white(ish) but crooked as fuck due to me and a bunch of friends deciding to try pull them out manually when we were younger.
  5. Vurtox

    The Crashtones - Black Dress and the alternate version. Seriously, saddest shit ever. Sam Witwer is a genius.
  6. Vurtox

    http://www.facebook.com/#!/lordofpolaris New foto there. Go look yourself, too lazy to repost. ;D
  7. Vurtox

    I added you. Bitches can add me if you want. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1078296603#!/lordofpolaris
  8. Vurtox

    David O'Hara
  9. Vurtox

    ME2 slays ME1. But both are completely amazing. I R playing Borderlands, offline. For now.
  10. Vurtox

    ^ Naw, according to Robert Rodriguez this Machete has nothing to do with the Spy Kids one. Joke or not Robert Rodriguez makes amazing films. Totally want to see this shit, ASAP.
  11. Vurtox

    "You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'till you understand who's in rutting command here!" - Jayne Cobb (Joss Whedon's Firefly)
  12. Vurtox

    A movie called Black Death. Pretty damn good for a low budget-ish film.
  13. Vurtox

    Woods of Ypres has officially ended it's life. GOD DAMN YOU DAVID GOLD.
  14. Vurtox

    Zyklon's only good album was World ov Worms, and the only big reason why I say that is because Garm did some clean vocal work on one song. Lol. Ihsahn's solo work on the other hand is pure amazing.
  15. Vurtox

    Lou. She was a fine, miniature piece of woman
  16. Vurtox

    CAKE - Short Skirt/Long Jacket
  17. Vurtox

    Got bitten by the Deus Ex: Human Revolution excitement bug. =D
  18. Vurtox

  19. Vurtox

    Pre-ordered Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Bought S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat And new glasses.
  20. Vurtox

  21. Vurtox

  22. Vurtox

    Some Summer Glau photographs which I'm going to get autographed at FanExpo.
  23. Vurtox

    Mick Kenney of Anaal Nathrakh. Just listen to him and you'll understand. Jens Maluschka of Disillusion. He's amazing, so precise. Niko Knappe of Dark Suns. The guy sings, drums and acts awesome all at the same time.
  24. Vurtox

    THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MY EYE. I swear if it's an infection I'll murder someone, horrible day to get an irritated eye since I have to work all night.
  25. Vurtox

    I still can't wrap my head around why FOX's producers canceled Firefly, sabotaged it while it was on air by giving it shitty timeslots and not playing the episodes in order and I also don't understand why the fan basis hasn't banded together to demand a second, third, fourth, millionth season. Yes, I still live in the year 2004.
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