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Everything posted by Vurtox

  1. Vurtox

    Fanboys on Bluray. Fucking hi-larious.
  2. Vurtox

    this guy is a god among musicians. Love him.
  3. Vurtox

    Megamind. Hell of movie.
  4. Vurtox

    SUAF had so much cheese that it made the album amazing. Not to mention The Bosphorus Freezes Over is one of the best Turisas songs ever.
  5. Vurtox

    "I'm proud my coat is brown" - Nathan Fillion via Twitter.
  6. Vurtox

    If that mother fucker says "Roll one up homie" one more time I'm going to go postal.
  7. Vurtox

    Moonsorrow's album was good, not great but good. Turisas' album was fan-fucking-tastic, IMO.
  8. Vurtox

    That was the greatest gameplay teaser video of all time, s'cuse me while I go reinstall Oblivoin. God damn you Bethesda.
  9. Vurtox

    I thought that he was a cat person. Something like this: No word of a lie, I expected this too. (also, I loved that episode of DW)
  10. Vurtox

    Most movies don't have any scenes that I wish I could unsee. 'Sept for About Schmidt when Kathy Bates is nude in a hottub, shit was nasty as hell.
  11. Vurtox

    If you take a liste to Acid Ambient you will hear a lot of psychedelic sounds and such. So it's more or less Ambient with some psychedelic stuff thrown in. Nothing more. That's pretty much it, really. Lol. It just has a bit more flavour than ambient. Psybient also has some glitch influences and on occasion, dub.
  12. Vurtox

    Could you post an example of these? I've never heard of them o_o JezJJbz0LXg W4Cd-mnaB7o
  13. Vurtox

    I have a lab/newf cross named Sophie as well as two cats, KC & Squeaker and my aunt and uncle's cat is living with us and her name is Gemma. I've had three other cats named Angus, Oliver and Amadeus, two other dogs named Sam and Jessie and a rabbit named Pepper (when I was like 4). I'm big on animals, I don't like insects though. Also, since I'm afraid of deep water I'm even more afraid of the creatures that lurk beneath and I find sharks, anglerfish and other shit like that to be the scariest creatures in the universe.
  14. Vurtox

    Turisas - βένετοι! - π?άσινοι! Mmm, new album is nice.
  15. Vurtox

    Psybient and Acid Ambient, oh god how I love thee.
  16. Vurtox

    ^ that's the main reason why I played it, for free shit. I wasn't originally going to DL the demo but I couldn't resist the temptation of free in game items.
  17. Vurtox

    Extremely bad attemps at big orchestrations. I love orchestrations to the max but when they are done poorly or overused they suck huge nuts.
  18. Vurtox

    Bulletstorm and... DRAGON AGE 2 DEMO, FUCK YES.
  19. Vurtox

    "If Jamie's Chinese gong falls on your foot,you must rush to Tibet before it turns crimson" is the best song title ever.
  20. Vurtox

    Nathan Fillionnnnnnnn! Dude's a beast, I love anything he is in.
  21. Vurtox

    Stoked as hell for SEPTICFLESH's new album.
  22. Vurtox

    Stoked for this as well.
  23. Vurtox

    Metro 2033. Pretty nifty game.
  24. Vurtox

    ^ YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS it fucking is. Tyrant of Death - Blood Lust
  25. rofl, even I enjoyed Arcade Fire's album. I enjoyed it a helluva a lot more than 90% of the other albums up for AOTY.
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