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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. cant tell if this year has just been mostly absolute garbage music-wise across the board or if most  review sites have simply gone to shit anymore tbh

  2. Tokage

    cali gari's 11. It may not bet outright hated by the band's fanbase, but i've seen some people here and there deriding it, and i dunno, it's just not that awful for me.
  3. Tokage

    got damn i hate it when people just drop shit on me unannounced IRL, esp. when I already had plans in the first place.. like, PLEASE give me some time to mentally prepare before having to interact w/ y'all and shit
  4. they basically pulled a dezert with the ''dude we're a j-indie band now btw lol'' sound it seems somehow i like the singer guy's voice more here than in gossip tho idk why
  5. Tokage

    this new take on Clever Sleazoid is pretty good too
  6. Tokage

    Just for the memes. :^) Go to talktotransformer.com, enter a portion of text (can be lyrics, can be anything) as a prompt and post the results you got. As an example, I put the first couple of lines from Dir en grey - THE DEEPER VILENESS in as my prompt, and I got... this?
  7. Tokage

    La' royque de zavy, cali gari's alter ego band, in this song. They were basically a parody of 90s vk stuff
  8. Tokage

    let us also not forget the legendary line ''game! playstation 2, wooh ooooohhhhh''
  9. Tokage

    at least there were no remixes this time, just the mediocre grandpa karaoke shit
  10. nine inch nails - infinitum

  11. Tokage

    This absolute timeless classic right here. Honorable mention goes out to 'Billy What Wild Cool Night' by Guniw Tools:
  12. Tokage

    you say that like it's a bad thing lmao
  13. Tokage

    the bonus tracks have pretty much always been useless to be honest, give me demo versions of tracks, b-sides or instrumentals or just don't bother
  14. Tokage

    i haven't listened to the entire album in full, just did the preliminary ''skimming through songs'' thing i always do with releases i'm hyped about and so far everything sounds perfectly fine to me..? majority of the complaints i've been reading about the album so far have been regarding overuse of electronics but i don't really see what the big deal with that is tbh, ''muh real instruments'' is such an empty complaint when many vk bands make use of backing tracks anyway
  15. Tokage

    *thinking emoji that's so large it fits your entire screen*
  16. Tokage

    infinte cum by sukekio
  17. Tokage

    vk musicians out here stealing people's children!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Tokage

    without a DOUBT 1 of the greatest pvs ever filmed
  19. Tokage

    looking at pics of your fave kawaii jrocker and getting radiation poisoning #justtoxicvkthings
  20. Tokage

    I feel like maybe live dist. releases in general have kind of taken the place of v/a albums in general. Maybe it's just me remembering things completely wrongly and practicing some hella historical revisionism right here, but i feel like live distributed/live only releases weren't even THAT much of a thing throughout most of the 2000s, were they?
  21. Where in the fresh hell did they go? One of my absolute favorite aspects of exploring niche genres is stumbling upon some random compilation albums featuring bands that maybe released only a couple songs total in their entire life span. It's pretty much the easiest way to stumble upon both the true hidden gems within a genre and the absolute worst it has to offer, sometimes right next to each other. Speaking broadly, the psychedelic, (post-)punk, industrial and minimal synth scenes all have a tremendous number of absolutely great v/a albums catering to different niches and local scenes, with new ones coming out even to this day. I remember from my early days in the VK scene back in the mid-2000s is that it felt like there was always some compilation album or split cd coming out every few month or so. Many of them seem to have been tied to magazines, live venues or live events, but there were also the occasional tribute albums here and there, as well as crossovers that seemed to be done just for the hell of it. Some of those compilations were absolute fucking bangers too (never forget those Tokyo Guerilla ones my dudes........) Sadly it kinda feels like over the past decade the stream of v/a albums just kind of dried up. I can't really remember any notable ones being released that WEREN'T tribute albums for instance. Part of me wants to blame this lack of non-tribute compilations on the fact that streaming and downloading music is so much easier these days than back in the day, and as such the need for these officially sanctioned mixtapes to create exposure just isn't as high as it used to be, and I'm sure the fact that several VK publications and live venues have bitten the dust in the past couple of years must have a role in it as well. I'm just left here hoping that maybe some day some OG VK nerd will step it up and create the weeb counterpart to those 'Nuggets: Original Artyfacts From the First Psychedelic Era' comps tl;dr: this thread is dedicated to v/a albums, both ones connected specifically to the vk scene and japanese music in general. what are some of your favorites? which ones were absolute godawful abominations in your eyes? where did all the compilation albums go?
  22. Tokage

    ''wow i sure as hell hate people being toxic and saying meanie things about my faves, got damn elitists!" *harasses some completely uninvolved person for absolutely no reason*
  23. sooo, is it too early to say that gulu gulu seems to be the best out of the ex-Ains 'comeback' bands or not?

    1. ricchubunny
    2. Takadanobabaalien


      gulu gulu & virge for me 

  24. Tokage

    Thoughts on the first single so far? 不味い麻酔 and Rubra are probably my two favorite tracks off the whole thing, but i'm actually even beginning to warm up to the a-side after hearing the full thing in hq now
  25. Tokage

    Onan Spelmermaid's in both of these: Also, not a PV-related example, but I've stumbled upon Inugami Circus Dan's frontwoman Kyoko doing random guest narration bits in several other bands' songs
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