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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. ゆうぎ said I never brag about her being the best girlfriend, so just to prove her wrong: I suppose it might be a little weird, but from time to time I'll read her bedtime stories and I can't help but awwwww whenever she falls asleep during one of them, knowing how relaxed and comfortable she is with me. ...Also when she wakes up and tries to talk to me in Finnish *giggles*
  2. Biopanda

    I might be in Finland again when this is going on, but after EAT YOU ALIVE, I think I'll sit this one out :'D
  3. Biopanda

    Nice to see the RUSH members doing something, though I wish their vocalist would appear again
  4. Biopanda

    *rides off valiantly into the sun(ny lands of Finland)* Farewell, comrades, and keep up the good fight :')
  5. Biopanda

    Yes, I babytalk to her dogs. I don't regret it one bit ;/
  6. All orders placed before December 9th were sent out, so there's no orders that are still waiting. You can check your order info on the site or the email that was sent out when the item was shipped. I add the shipment label number to every order after the shipping is paid for and you can use that to track your package.
  7. The mini-CD should work in any drive that has either a spindle that you pop the CD onto or, more likely for a computer drive, a smaller bevel where you can place the mini-CD
  8. Biopanda

    Some curiosities are better left at just that :<
  9. Biopanda

    As much as I'm saddened by this news, if their alter-ego thing was the direction they were going, then I'm glad they were put out of their misery before that. The Turn-A cds were literally some of the worst things I've heard all year. It's very rare when just listening to a song makes me embarrassed, but they achieved that rather easily.
  10. I don't believe I have any yet(though I did just get ~500 more cds which I still need to sort through), but I'll let you know!
  11. Thanks for your order! In the true manner of a college student, I just downed an energy drink at 2 AM and will get your package(as well as the others from this weekend) ready to ship out in the morning. I currently don't have anything else from Crescent, but I'm always keeping an eye out for things to acquire for the store
  12. I totally realized that I goofed with this morning's update :'D I forgot to add entries for new bands onto the lettered list pages(those pages are done by hand). I fixed that now and added pages for the bands that haven't already sold.
  13. Just put in the latest update! For those of you who haven't yet subscribed to the newsletter, here is the list of recent additions. As I've stated before, this will be the last update before the store goes on hiatus(December 9th to January 12th) so get your orders in by December 5th if you want them shipped out before January! The store will still be taking orders during the hiatus, but anything bought will get shipped out around January 14th.
  14. Ahahaha Juri's solo project. Oh god this is bad. Like really really bad.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Honestly, the only way 'Blanche' could possibly be good if it is laced with Golden Girls quotes.

    2. Wonrei


      many times I think the hate on artists that go poppy is really retarded, but this is not one of those times. this is just shit

  15. I don't know anything about PRIDE OF MIND or have ever had any of their releases, sorry!
  16. I can, sure. Let me see what is the cheapest shipping option, then I'll send you a PM and we can go from there
  17. It depends on the weight, really. USPS is stupid and you can only send things first-class if they're under 13 oz(within the US, international is 4 pounds, I believe). It'll only show the option for first class if it's under that weight.
  18. Just wanted to make a quick note: Last week's update will be combined with this week's update, so it should be rather large. Final exams are right around the corner, so adding items has taken a tiny bit of a backseat. Also, as I've mentioned in the newsletter, the store will be on hiatus from December 9th to January 12th, as I'll be out of the country, so any orders should be in by December 5th or else they'll ship on January 14th. This week's update will also be the last one until January, though I will have plenty of free time during my vacation to work on adding items, so expect a HUGE update come January.
  19. Biopanda

    The ex.drummer, Kiri, from cocklobin is female as well. As for HYBRID-ZOMBIEZ, the vocalist was 100% totally a girl as well, so there's no rumor about that XD Honestly, with how her voice sounds, I'm surprised anyone thought she was a guy. She even jokes about the fact on her blog profile that she left VK and is now a girl XD
  20. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot, here's the link for last week's update newsletter for those of you who aren't subscribed~
  21. I've never heard of anything like that happening... have you created an account? The cart can work a little differently for registered users than it does for anonymous users(carts are kept for 2 weeks). You could also try using a different browser maybe. If none of that works, PM me and we can do a manual order.
  22. I can certainly keep an eye out, since I've been really wanting to get my hands on a Rudolf Steiner tape as well, though I'm not really planning on buying anything in the near future. Too bad you weren't a bit quicker... I did have a Kalmia tape in the past, but I sold it a few months back
  23. Biopanda

    New ENDLESS mini album? BRB crying.
  24. Thanks for your order! MiLK was such a super awesome band... really saddened that Mikuru isn't doing anything after they disbanded I'll have your CD send out tomorrow and on it's way over
  25. Biopanda

    She's lying! She's probably a big jerkbutt in real life! I heard she once held Kai down and pooted on him. Pooted right in his face!
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