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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Tell him that we miss him
  2. BioPanda is a nice guy
  3. Biopanda

    Thera departed at the same time as Rei :x
  4. Biopanda

    That sounds like it's only a problem in the really big venues. I do love the imagery of one lone person dancing in a crowd of hundreds of sitting fans.
  5. Biopanda

    MUCC and D'espairsRay were planning on playing at my school(Taste of Chaos 2008) before they changed the venue also Dir en Grey
  6. Biopanda

    so you regret purchasing FNM album? Wikipedia says they're credited as a big influence to nu-metal. I would regret supporting a band that helped drive that sack-of-shit genre as well :/
  7. I just found out that 撃唯 has a myspace page We have truly found BROOTAL-kei.
  8. Those Maria vocal sections are orgasmic.
  9. QUASAR: Synth pan pipes are the future. I can't wait until SuG uses them in their next single. It's really a shame, since the lineup for the band is solid. GISHO: Proof that just because you can sing, doesn't mean you should. DIRT EN SORROW: Ver-Meer: (・??・)
  10. wtf? maybe they should name the band methylbenzene? I'm pretty sure toluene was inhaled prior to writing their songs and possibly performing.
  11. They are certainly great, but some of their songs are just terrible XD This is coming from someone who bought nearly everything they released
  12. We needed another VKPOOP thread. Since I killed the last thread by posting Syuu~Furuma~Jyuu, I think it is my responsibility to revive it. Like a phoenix, this thread shall rise from the toilet and soar to the heavens. トルエン(toluene) 新世界ムーミュループ This band is great. They sound like a combination of early CASCADE and ピアノゾンビ. Unfortunately, this song is just complete crap. Seriously, this is insane in all the wrong ways. Ear rape. Neo Sonic Arts レインボー??ス Oh Neo Sonic Arts. Our relationship is that of love and hate. While you were one of the precursors to oshare, your ability to have completely terrible(yet catchy) songs was impressive. 16,Piano friend Read: Neo Sonic Arts
  13. Biopanda

  14. Biopanda

    I love the guy in the back right's face.
  15. Biopanda

    There's not even anybody coming into the thread to ~legit baww~ It's all just punks complaining about people that aren't here.
  16. Biopanda

    Pretty damn awesome combo. I wonder what kind of project it is though? Like a 3-man live thing or some sort of session band?
  17. ^ your blog is bad and you should feel bad. [2]
  18. Biopanda

    Can't we all just get along and live together as equals?
  19. Biopanda

    So uh... what you doin' later tonight?
  20. Biopanda

  21. Biopanda

    *shifts foot a bit*
  22. Biopanda

    *awkward silence*
  23. I posted this in the request thread about it The download on the site is broken lol. I was able to decompile the flash file though and find the url to where its trying to download from. http://shiki-project.com/mp3/ The file you're looking for is shirakuen_acoustic.mp3
  24. loling at the blogs and trade sites that have this listed.
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