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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    The release for that got delayed a few months due to the earthquake.
  2. Biopanda

    pressed We can only hope.
  3. Biopanda

    Other than Trombe. I think if he made an april troll's day post, everyone would believe it.
  4. Biopanda

    What is this. This is awesome.
  5. Biopanda

    I, for one, am pretty damn excited about the news! Preorders for the new album are already available on cdjapan and HMV, so I already rushed to get my copy reserved. What do others think about this? Will you be buying the new cd?
  6. Is April Fool's Day even a thing in Japan? If not, I'm buyin this.
  7. the studs die with daisuke u.u, FUCK AOI! [5]
  8. Biopanda

    dat goose
  9. Kyon? As in Kyon from Pleur? I thought she left the vk scene after they disbanded XD
  10. Biopanda

    Dear Loving :wub:
  11. Biopanda

    After searching for hours, I eventually found 2 of their cds on random chinese forums. I'll post them up in a bit ;v
  12. Biopanda

    I just discovered this band yesterday and totally fell in love. The vocalist has such a unique voice... its pretty awesome :v YHKmsbqbXpo Also: tiny hats
  13. What is this I don't even
  14. Biopanda

    I think SEX MACHINEGUNS would count. I know Seikima II wouldn't though. They even stated in a press interview(at A-KON in Dallas, it was shown on their latest DVD) that they were not a VK band.
  15. Biopanda

    Be forewarned, I'm terrible when it comes to genres but I picked the closest that I could think of. duraluMin KmrymQmZmxk Genre: Party Rock/Jazz/Funk It seems that every VK band has that one "jazzy" song, but I've never seen a band so dedicated to the idea as duraluMin. アエカリ(Aekari) samples Genre: I have no fucking clue. At times it seems to be slow melody driven piano songs mixed with chiptunes. Other songs are more electronic with elements of uh... noise and bossa nova/lounge(???). I guess that's what happens when an artist joins the VK scene. I do think its pretty cool that he makes all of his cd cases by hand using fabric though :v 黒百??姉妹(Kuroyuri Shimai) _8fdAsM9Qvw Genre: Classical/gothic? I dunno man, this shit it wack. Bonus luls: while looking for videos on youtube, I stumbled upon this and literally shat myself. Especially when I found out the vocalist was female. bnQBVeTUoqI
  16. I got really excited for a second when I saw GLACIER in the topic then found out it had nothing to do with the band or Makoto
  17. Biopanda

    If only
  18. Biopanda

  20. Their music is pretty damn weird.. it sounds kinda improvised? I'm interested to see how this will translate to CD.
  21. I was 12, I didn't know any better ;_; Please forgive me!
  22. Biopanda

    Thanks for your contribution to the thread.
  23. Biopanda

    Fap to my mountain of rarez
  24. Biopanda

  25. Hold on, need to clean myself off... ... Okay, fucking sweet! Now I don't have to bust my ass trying to get a live-only CD, woo-hoo! Thank you, trombe! Also, any word on if there first show is still going to take place or could it be delayed because of the earthquake? As far as I know it is. It already completely sold out as well
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