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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    You can't tell by his cock? D: While I had originally started university with a major in Cock Forensics, I decided that the field was way too saturated with outsourced jobs so I switched out.
  2. Biopanda

    So uh... how do people know this is tenten? Are you really going by the 1 second of very blurry face in the mirror of the third video?
  3. FFFFF- a CROWS revival would be fucking awesome.
  4. Biopanda

    What. How is this even a rumor? What is the rumor? シンデレラストーリー was released back in 2009.
  5. Biopanda

    I'll order 1 more than Herpes. I assume these are going to be worth a ton eventually, so its pretty much like buying stocks.
  6. Biopanda

    They played at Ikebukuro Chop. They just like to call it tokyo chop dome as a joke(a silly play on tokyo dome).
  7. loooool gj internet detective sai
  8. Biopanda

    Nope, that means that if you go into one of those stores you can get a copy for free.
  9. ex.Bi;shop huh? I guess that'd make the band temporarily half-female then XD
  10. Niiiiice I was missing them! Edit: They're going to be at the Osaka BIG CAT charity live? I wonder if they were the secret band that was being announced on the 24th.
  11. Biopanda

    I don't think they have any releases planned yet :x
  12. Biopanda

    They did disband, but they announced they'd be coming back(their first live back together is next month). Since they're not really back yet, they haven't released anything new.
  13. Biopanda

    I approve of going there and instantly seeing tits. Followed.
  14. Biopanda

    Srsly. Akane was all "hey guess what we're comin back lol" just to cocktease us with this 2 month bs. I hope he at least goes back to doing 白黒キ??マ-茜-, since that sounded nearly as good as regular monokuro and they mostly played old monokuro songs anyways(mixed in with either a few originals or unreleased older songs).
  15. Biopanda

    There really isn't much news to speak of. As far as I know, they went on break after their live on 2010.11.25. The only thing that's happened since was back in December, the members had a session with medi@lize where they covered hide songs XD Other than that, IV was playing support for medi@lize, but that's it.
  16. Biopanda

    How can a band that's never had a single concert go on hiatus? XD
  17. I'm pretty sure that's not the case. From what I can tell, Free-will owns HOLIDAY SHINJUKU and Satsuki has played their multiple times since going solo.
  18. Biopanda

    Kinda sucks, they weren't too bad after coming back as lam.
  19. Biopanda

    Hearing aika sing ??ワトリン... now there's an interesting idea.
  20. Biopanda

    I post a lot sorta.
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