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Everything posted by Shaolan974

  1. Shaolan974

    35 songs O_o Wow, I hope the DVD will contain the full live !
  2. Shaolan974

    I want this live DVD *0*
  3. Shaolan974

    a Mix between GLORIA and Innovational Symphonia. Epic song, I really like it.
  4. Shaolan974

    Yes, it's a good news but...live-limited =\
  5. Shaolan974

    8 new songs is decent.
  6. Shaolan974

    Solo project ? New band ? '_'
  7. Shaolan974

    I can't wait to see the full version of Panta rhei's PV !
  8. Shaolan974

    Sounds pretty good.
  9. Shaolan974

    THE 新人類 is a new song ?
  10. Shaolan974

    ...I liked their mini-album =|
  11. Shaolan974

    Another one ? This is great !
  12. Shaolan974

    Great ! A mini-album is good.
  13. Shaolan974

    Oh no ! At the beginning I didn't like them but, actually there are so funny and I liked their recent stuff...
  14. Shaolan974

    Only one type ?! Mmh...Interesting.
  15. Shaolan974

    Mmhh...decent song, it's not bad but... there is a lack of something '_'
  16. Shaolan974

    Because yuina is major now ? '_'
  17. Shaolan974

    Every year is the same ^^'
  18. Shaolan974

    Oh =\ I liked them.
  19. Shaolan974

    Great news ! I hope they will release a new CD soon !
  20. Shaolan974

    Finally, new singles !
  21. Shaolan974

    VizeL , OROCHI and Dear L'Novel... in one band ? I'm curious.
  22. The video looks awesome ! The song is ok so far, I like the chorus.
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