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Everything posted by Shaolan974

  1. Yes ! The tone of temptation was really good !
  2. Shaolan974

    I hope cocklobin's, CodeRebirth's and GHOSE's songs won't be new songs ^^'
  3. =\ and their new album ?
  4. Shaolan974

    Oh, I didn't know them and I'm really surprised. This song is good !
  5. Oh ! Who is ZIN ? I hope it will better than KAMIJO ^^'
  6. Shaolan974

    Good but I hope it will better than their last CDs...
  7. Shaolan974

    I'm not surprised.
  8. Shaolan974

    Bad news... I was hoping a comeback this year >.<
  9. Shaolan974

    I hope it will better than their last single...
  10. Shaolan974

    Good news, I want to hear more songs of this band.
  11. Shaolan974

    Unexpected news for a little band like them. I hope it will be better than their last singles...
  12. Shaolan974

    Obviously, I think this is not unexpected...
  13. Shaolan974

    Sounds good, as usual.
  14. Shaolan974

    Good, I like their music ^^
  15. Shaolan974

    This is too fast...Tomoshibi and Etsu to Utsu aren't very good compared to their other release =\
  16. Shaolan974

    This is a good news ! I love DISASTER and Last relapse, I hope it will be awesome !! I think I'll buy it.
  17. No new songs on this best-of. World in flames's PV reminds me As if forever exsits.
  18. Shaolan974

    This is a really good news, I hope to hear his voice again and again !
  19. Shaolan974

    Good news for the fan.
  20. Shaolan974

    Good song, as usual <3
  21. Shaolan974

    The structure of the song is weird.
  22. Shaolan974

    It's sad but I prefer these depart whereas a disbandment. I hope they will release some new stuff this year !
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