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Everything posted by Shaolan974

  1. Shaolan974

    Oh no, their mini-album was very good !
  2. Shaolan974

    Good news ! They are awesome.
  3. Shaolan974

    They aren't a VK band
  4. Shaolan974

    2012.11.18 心斎橋FANJ -SET LIST- -SE- 1.伍 2.舌禍粧 3.妙楽ノイ-class C- MC 4.大義乃桜 5.腐れ恋 MC 6.ピンクスパイダー(カヴァー) MC 7.曲ガル睡蓮'賭ケル[11ul] 8.テオナナカトル アンコール 9.桜花乱舞 10.『 』曰く、 Pink Spider's cover
  5. Shaolan974

    2012.11.18 SHIBUYA-REX -SET LIST- SE 1.Lv 2.STUND UP×3 3.D.O.P.E MC 4.色彩Polaroid. 5.ヒカルセカイ 6.Sweet / rouge 7.SKY AROUND 8.浮遊グラフィック MC 9.CHANGE ! 10.Plugn 11.曖昧カテゴライズ MC 12.180 13.衝動 14.PHASE 15.BURN 16.NEXT→ アンコール1 17.星の降る街 18.NuAGE アンコール2 19.LaST A GaINST 20.STUND UP×3
  6. Shaolan974

    Oh I see, I thought they didn't like their new songs xD
  7. Shaolan974

    It's strange, there is no songs of Propaganda '_'
  8. Good song. Dark GLORIA.
  9. Shaolan974

  10. Shaolan974

    Good news.
  11. Shaolan974

    Awesome news !
  12. Shaolan974

    Great !
  13. Shaolan974

    Where is Kaguya ? ='(
  14. Shaolan974

    And what is that ? Iris解説本「TO WEEP FOR LOVE」 価格\2,500 (in tax) 好評発売中!! 1st Full album [iris]のメンバーによる曲解説本 機材や歌詞や曲 そのこだわり抜いた全ての全貌がここに。 発売元:zongaigon/販売元:zoisite
  15. Shaolan974

    WAH !! awesome news !!
  16. Shaolan974

    I hope it will better than their last stuffs.
  17. Shaolan974

    Sounds pretty good.
  18. Shaolan974

    Good song !
  19. Shaolan974

    This new band name and this look suck a lot...
  20. Shaolan974

    Providentia (FULL PV) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD06h5fgvoI
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