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Everything posted by Shaolan974

  1. Shaolan974

    Sounds awesome !
  2. Shaolan974

    Oh..Okay >.>
  3. Shaolan974

    Oh, strange choice '_'
  4. Shaolan974

    UCP is closed. This DVD won't be pressed by UCP. So, it isn"t a "milking process" by Kisaki.
  5. Shaolan974

    THIS IS their last live before their disbandment. The band never said "The last LIVE DVD" before that.
  6. Shaolan974

    Nice line-up. I'm glad to see GAB !
  7. Shaolan974

    Weird artworks '_'
  8. Shaolan974

    Another live-limited ='(
  9. Shaolan974

    OMFG ! If this is the truth... ... .... ... I'm super excited now !
  10. Shaolan974

  11. Shaolan974

    I'm curious '_'
  12. Shaolan974

    I don't like the chorus bur, the rest sounds...ok. I'm waiting for the b-sides !
  13. Shaolan974

  14. Shaolan974

    It's a new band ? I think this is a band name change, no ?
  15. CK + NEGA...this is curious O_o
  16. Nice ! I hope these singles will be easily available.
  17. Shaolan974

    Eeehh...decent song but there is nothing really interesting or new.
  18. Shaolan974

    What ? 12 live-distributed singles ? I think they will disband before the release of their album XD
  19. Shaolan974

    Wait...the Blu-Ray will contain only disc 1 ?! O_o
  20. Shaolan974

    No, this is for a special live.
  21. Shaolan974

    Pretty good.
  22. Shaolan974

    Finally, something new !
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