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Everything posted by Shaolan974

  1. Shaolan974

    So, he's still active ?
  2. Shaolan974

    six nine sounds good but what the fuck with the PV ?
  3. Shaolan974

    Finally a live performance on a DVD !
  4. Shaolan974

    So...seems like a mini-album and two DELUHI's cover are not their best songs imo =\
  5. Shaolan974

    Good idea.
  6. Shaolan974

    Cool news !
  7. Shaolan974

    Good news. I hope a double-DVD of these 2-days at Budoukan.
  8. Shaolan974

    This isn't distributed by Ains '_'
  9. Shaolan974

    南条ひな from this strange ELE MUSIC's band ?
  10. Shaolan974

    Haha, +1 x')
  11. Shaolan974

    It's strange that 乱 is romanised as Run instead of Ran '_'
  12. Shaolan974

    Awesome line-up except the guy from SuG.
  13. Shaolan974

    Good for them. I hope he is a good drummer. New look and covers of the upcoming single are pretty disappointing.
  14. Shaolan974

    I expected something like amber gris / 9GBO but...well.
  15. Shaolan974

    ETERNAL and MOMENT aren't bad so, wait & see.
  16. Shaolan974

    Good last song.
  17. Shaolan974

    I think this album will be a big parody.
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