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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. Agreed. Kaya is one of the few artists I would travel for. I went to his concert in California, which is one state over from me, and to the one in Virginia. Thing is though is that the trip to Virginia was not much more than the one to California. It is pretty much the transportation that is the main expense. I think Kaya could play the small venues too, it is just a matter of the venues booking him. He is slowly gathering a larger following here though. I play his music at my work all the time and I constantly get people asking me who it is. I really wish America would get over the fact that "if I can not understand it, then I will not listen to it".You miss out on a lot of things limiting yourself that way.

    Legit couldn't agree more. And what is DISGUSTING to me is that when there were radio stations in America playing Diru's new song, I talked to the head of the local mainstream hardrock station and they refused to play it because they were japanese, but they play german rock from time to time. Makes me sick. And it's funny because Diru actually has a large following in my area.

  2. Sorry, lol, it's hard to get the meaning of things sarcastically via text.

    I agree, yet Kaya definitely would have more opportunity to come to the states I think. He's somewhat of a big name, I'd say. He may not be able to play Madison Square Garden but he could play a smaller venue and probably sell out.

    I do wholeheartedly agree with your second argument though, the amount of times I've heard "I would travel ANYWHERE to see x!!!!" compared to the amount of times I've heard "I traveled REALLY FAR to see x!!!!" is like 10000000:0. I've said it before too, but the only thing is I literally would go long ways to see Kaya and Versailles, but not anywhere. For a lot of people it's money. Like if the closest Kaya could come is Dallas, Texas, I'd be like....Fuck no. I can't afford it. But I've gone to Connecticut for bands. I've gone to New York, Maryland, Virginia, etc. So, I would go. Just name the date and I'd be there. Which is what I really want him to do.

    It's such a shame we don't get anough Japanese artists in America...




    All I want with my life is to see him perform and meet him!

    Um, he has come here twice. Once on the East Coast and once on the West Coast.

    Oh boy. Two whole times. I was too young to go those times. Not to mention broke. So, now that I have money and the ability to get to an NYC or Philly show, I'd like it if he came back. Two times is not enough for all fans. Obviously.

  4. This. Fucking. Sucks. One of my all time favorite bands. Such a shame.

    If it's an AF joke, then good.

    However, I definitely lol'd at JonJon's gif. I watched it for like 5 minutes.

  5. I have no idea how to make them, so I was going to make this topic for anyone who wanted to request a facebook banner from someone else or make some and share them.

    I'm in the market for a Kaya themed one. Preferably from the Queen album art.

  6. I stayed away from this forum all day.

    Looks like I made the right decision.

    The long and short here is that Born This Way doesn't sound as much like Express Yourself as people make it out to be. Yes, it's similar, but it's not the same beat. It's not the same melody. There's definitely some Express Yourself-sounding bits and pieces, but by and large it's its own song. Obviously, millions of other people think so, as it is currently the number one song in twenty-three countries.

    I would also just like to comment on certain comments people made here that I have seen on twitter and the gaga forums:

    @Peace Heavy MK II: You say "music is srs bsns" in a sarcastic way, and I agree with you. You should fucking see the LadyGaga.com/forum. It's a total mockery to the human race. People are literally on there lengthening this retarded "battle" between Britney fans and Lady Gaga fans. And people are getting really upset. As if this matters in the end. But people will always get butthurt over music, I'm guilty of it myself. I haven't any idea of why this happens to people, but it does. *shrugs*

    @Tony: Some of the lyrics may be cheesy, but you must admit that they're better than almost any song out there right now. At first Hold It Against Me lyrics were original and cute, but upon further analysis it's just another song about going to the club and hooking up with some random stranger. This song has a message. A very important message that I believe humanity as a whole needs to digest. Don't Be a Drag just Be a Queen may have certain levels of cheesyness, but it's still better than "The club can't even handle me right now." Lulz.

    @Furik How can you REALLY say you MISS the old Gaga when you only heard ONE song from this new album? We don't have any idea what the other 19 tracks are going to sound like, so we shouldn't just damn the new era already and say that it's nothing like the fame era and needs to be burned at the stake. Furthermore, how do you think it was when Madonna switched her style up 400 times? I was only around when she switched from that extra-sexual age to the extra-dance age and people didn't take so kindly to it then, but they love it now. Artists need to switch it up every now and then, lest they become a one-trick-pony. If this song sounded anything like anything on The Fame or The Fame Monster, I would have been disappointed.

    And that's my two cents.

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