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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. I read this on Kaya's Twitter yesterday and almost died of happiness, but I won't be able to go because I live so far away and cannot afford it. However, that CD... I am intrigued. I hope it's new material, but I'll buy it even if they're just rerecorded old songs.

  2. This is going to be a little heretic of me but... What the actual fuck is with a name like Dry Ice Scream? That's like... I'm reading the track list and thinking "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong."

    Sai: I can definitely see where you are coming from with the whole "D-Similarities" argument, but what you should do is just try to separate the bands from each other. They're completely different in their own regards. D and Versailles both have always been very inspired by vampires and royal themes and all of that stuff. I'm sure they aren't the only ones. Their overall sound isn't similar though, I've always taken D as a bit darker than Versailles.

    But yeah that's just my $0.02.

    Other than that weird title, the tracklist looks pretty great.

  3. Here's what I have to say, going off of Zesshoku's rant. I'll try to keep it short.

    Although I agree that this single doesn't even almost stand up the likes of Saikou no Sekai and Zesshoku (my two favorite NGD tracks), the songs themselves aren't bad. It's just when you think about the fact that... "This is the same band that did Saikou no Sekai and Zesshoku"... That's when the problems arise. I have been having that same problem with Girugamesh. When Color came out I was really into it. I thought it was a great song... Then I went and litened to Owari no Mirai and was like... Oh... Damn...

    Same can be said for this single. I love Raise a Flag and Keihatsu FRUSTRESS, but then I think about how motherFUCKING AWESOME those songs were. Even Ring-a Ring-o and II-Kaigi... Then I get sad that this is what this band has become. Another really good pop/rock band that lost sight of what they originally were.

    If you can separate yourself from the old and adjust to the new, while still loving the old: This single is worth maybe an 8.

    If you just cannot accept this, and I don't blame you if you don't: The single is worth Zesshoku's 5.

  4. For me, I'd say the album was really positive. I really loved songs like Deathtopia and Graceful Angel, and Dress, and Toge, and Kasumi ni Kieru Hana just to name a few. I think MASTER's high points were higher than the high points of this album, yet as a whole this album was better than MASTER. I'd give it an 8.5/10

  5. Guess someone was in before me to stop the dramawhoring. I'm not sure if I'll listen this. I don't really like anything by him except Madame Rosa.

    It's a shame, you should definitely give Queen a try. It promises to be awesome!

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