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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. The song itself is not bad, due to the fact that I generally like almost anything that Kisaki is involved in and Riku sings because Phantasmagoria always has been and always will be one of my favorite bands, HOWEVER nothing Lin has released thusfar has really broken any form of mold like say... Neo Ark or Eternal Silence... Or even Glitter. The music is good but not great.

    As for the music video... That is one of the worst pieces of embarrassing garbage I've ever seen in my twenty years of living and seven years in the VK scene.

  2. Extremely excited for the new single regardless of the tracklist really. I just need new Dir en grey in my life. I generally don't care as much about the single as the album, so when august gets here I'll actually care about the tracklist, as long as it doesn't have anything remastered or rerecorded or "reconstructed" on it.

  3. My personal favorite thing about the album?

    Britney stans who are reviewing Born This Way on iTunes and giving it a one star rating and then writing some misspelled bull shit to bring the overall rating down because they're butt hurt because their lip-syncing queen has absolutely nothing on Mother Monster, yet the album's overall review is STILL 4.75 out of 5 stars. It became the #1 selling album in less than an hour and the reviews are overwhelmingly positive. See, Britney? This is what a real artist does.

    It just goes to show how petty Britney Spears fans are. Gaga fans, as far as I'm consciously aware, did not do this to Femme Fatale.

  4. @sebbivism Awesome! I figured just wanted to make sure


  5. :[ but j.lo's new album is so good

    I KNOW RIGHT?! I sincerely thought I was the only one who felt that way about it. Haha. It doesn't deserve to be down there. I like every song on there, vs. Britney where I've only counted 5 outstanding tracks.


    I got the girl who posted the pictures to repost them for me so I could show them here. They might be outdated by now, but recently they were relevant, obviously:



    Full fiew, really tiny writing though


  6. It's proving incredibly difficulto to find right now, I'm still looking and I'll post it when I find it, but wither @HausofNicole or @OrderAMcGaga on Twitter tweeted a screencap of the worldwide iTunes chart placing Femme Fatale at... 29 I think and TFM at 27, numbers may be slightly off but that is true.

    EDIT: Just checked the charts from today and Femme Fatale is higher than both The Fame and The Fame Monster. This is good for Britney, however it doesn't excuse the fact that The Fame is still on the Top 100 3 years after it's release and The Fame Monster is a year and a half after it's release, while Britney has fallen to 35 two months after it's release... (J.Lo? Don't even get me started lol, I love the album but it's 65 after being out for 17 days.)

  7. Okay here's my opinions:

    Magnolia, Helios and Kizuna are pretty good title names. Most excited for Magnolia as long as if it's a ballad it isn't like Kizuna. Kizuna is so bland and generic and usual Matenrou Opera ballad. No real imagination to it. Also, just watched that video for the first time. They look... Really terrible out of costume o_0 Sono looks like a librarian.

    And, what the fuck kind of a name is Adult Children? Expecting a sort of "Sexual Entrapment" vibe from that song for some reason.

    All I can hope for is another variety of song like Faust. Will always be my favorite Matenrou Opera song.

  8. ^ totally agree. there's a lot of melody from the sounds of it throughout the song. It's been described as something that is structured like Hageshisa to and Gaika, Chinmoku...so I definitely expect melody. But I also expect something disturbingly heavy. Idk. All I know is, is I am trying SOOO HARD to keep my expectations to a minimum so I don't get let down like I did with LOTUS D:

    I agree with Chianti...the person was probably a Cryptopsy fan! lol.

    If it's styled like Hageshisa and Gaika, this will be my favorite Deg song yet.Those are my top two favorite songs by them. So excited for this now!

  9. FUCK YES.

    Super excited for this.

    I didn't like the name until I googled it, haha, now I think it's a great title.

    This will be sold in America on or around the release date just like the last three and the live album right? I don't want to have to order it from CDJapan but I will if I have to.

  10. Let me pick out all the wrong things you just said, followed my things I can agree with:

    A) Britney Spears is NOT the Queen of Pop, but neither is Lady Gaga. Madonna has been the Queen as long as I can remember and Britney has been the Princess as long as I can remember. As ridiculous as it sounds that this is something I'm picking on, it's still a valid truth that you got wrong.

    B) Feeling that Someday (I Will Understand) is better than anything Gaga has ever done or ever will do is a matter of opinion. I'm just here to tell you your opinion is wrong.

    C) Lady Gaga is not a failed singer songwriter. That's not coming from a place of "I'm a huge fan, so I'm going to shove my opinion down your throat" it's coming from a place of fact. Lady Gaga currently has 4 songs on the iTunes top 20 and 8 singles overall placing in the top 5. She is currently on top of the Forbes list of most powerful celebrities, topping Oprah. Britney Spears is nowhere memorable on that list, not to mention on the worldwide charts: The Fame Monster is still beating out Femme Fatale and TFM has been out for a year and a half. These are not my opinions, these are facts.

    Now, for what I agree with:

    A) Yes, Gaga has good producers. Better than Britney Spears and Katy Perry (whom I both love) who have producers who recycle the same songs over and over again. No blame to Brit and Katy though, it isn't there fault.

    B) Yes, Gaga has a cult of misfit followers, but I think the misfits of the world need some form of leader and/or role model to look up to. Katy and Britney and Christina are the kind of people that in high school a majority of Gaga fans would've hated. So, I'm glad Gaga has a "cult of misfit followers" there's not shame in that.

  11. I love Gaga but I feel her whole "culture" is fake. She started off wanting to be a famous pop star, became more then that, and is now pretty greedy. She uses her fans, excuse me, Monsters, to do her dirty work.

    It's a shame.

    At least Brit isn't as conceited.

    It's hard to be conceited when you're a drugged-up shell of a human being. HTH.


    I mean, I don't hate Britney, her album was passable as music, but in the long run to compare Britney and Gaga is assinine. Britney has just about never written any of her own music in any fashion and her actual true singing ability is incredibly questionable.

    Gaga may have used a lot of effects on the album, but at least she sang at the core of it.

    Not to mention, I don't think she's being greedy or having her fans do her dirty work. Did you know she just donated a million dollars to the Robin Hood Foundation for basically no reason? Not to mention, the entire proceeds of the Special Edition are going to AIDS research.

    As far as the music goes, it's incredible. The 80's-ness of it is only making me love it more. 80's music had a way more epic vibe to it, like the compositions were around 100% better than anything Dr. Luke or Max Martin are capable of today.

  12. I'm just now getting around to listening to the full song... Is that autotune I hear :D I'm probably in the minority with being happy about that, but I'm actually liking this a lot! Better than Pledge and Shiver by a lot.

  13. I'm going to have to agree with Erin.- and Chianti here... I'm underwhelmed by the song. It's weak and has absolutely nothing on their earlier songs like "World End Anthology" and "Blue Planet" which, to this day, are two of my favorite JRock songs.

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