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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. It's funny to me. Like. Noble had previews up, Lyrical Sympthy had that video released, Jubilee was a fucking event... Holy Grail just seems.... Like they don't care about it? It's weird. They always have samples... I'm growing curiouser and curiouser. I bet they have something huge in mind.

  2. Usually previews don't do much justice anyway.

    Especially if it's fucking Amazon. Remember how bad the previews for D'espairsRay's Monsters were? Granted the album wasn't spectacular, but the previews made it seem much worse... Perhaps it's better to go into an album with a fresh mind.

  3. I think the mask is only used as some sort of nostalgia portal, causing her to go back to the day where she went to the masquerade and met Versailles for the first time. Then when she takes the mask off, she stops day dreaming and goes back to sleep on her rocking chair. The second girl is probably her granddaughter and picks up the flowers and returns to the ball to keep the cycle going.

    I think the key thing to know about Versailles Pvs (not that they really make all that much sense to begin with) is that they are heavily focused on repetition and infinite cycles. For example, the roses that the blond girl got in the video didn't die decades later and were passed on to another generation (which I assumed was so she could continue the cycle). They've used this same idea in earlier songs as well: "The Love from a Dead Orchestra" has lyrics about how Kamijo cannot be killed; "The Revenant Choir" has lines like "Our clan's blood will not stop forever;" and the end of the Jubilee album is an instrumental that sounds like it could be the introduction to the first track to give listening to it a continuous feel. Granted this isn't their best example of plot continuity and non-japanese-viewer-friendlyness, I think they were going for the same idea.

    I heard from someone who is trying to translate all of their songs into English and then piece them together so the whole story makes sense that "The Revenant Choir" is the start of the story and "Sympathia" is what would be the end if it weren't recursive.

    I absolutely love the fact that they use repetition and cycles and all that stuff. For some reason it really makes me happy. The idea that Jubilee's art was a clock was fantastic to me. How when it's played in a loop you don't really know where the start and end is.

  4. I will be going to the New York City show, most likely. I count L'Arc as one of my favorite bands of all time and would be devastated if I missed them and then they disbanded forever or some shit. I just have to figure out travel arrangements and things.

    As far as albums go, I would be totally excited for a new one in November, but not two. It would be too many to handle at once.

  5. anyone seen that there is no 12th track in that tracklist?

    LOL You're right.

    I thought a couple names were cool, I'd rather wait for the official one than do all the speculating and arguing I did for Lady Gaga's new album.

  6. I have no idea what the difference between each of those things are all I know is how to grade quality of files based on what I have in front of me. They all seemed about equal in quality but they got progressively less perfect, but all were more than acceptable.

  7. @ShanethVarosa: I'M A GIRL. WHEN WILL PEOPLE ON HERE FINALLY LEARN. However I still expect you to leave Bertha to me once you get a new car. :mrgreen:

    Oh my god I'm sorry! I wish I knew what genders people were haha and youuu can have Bertha haha

  8. I just don't understand how artists can just shovel out albums like this. Their quality as a whole went down after Gokusaishiki and at this point their just announcing releases left and right, somewhat haphazardly. I bet they'd create another killer album like Gokusaishiki if they'd take more than 5 months to write, compose, and produce an album.

  9. I still feel sorry for the guy (Hizumi), even if it was his choice, yadayada - not for the fact he's selling merchandise, but because I have a good idea about where he really wants to be. But it is better than not showing up and unable to see any of his fans at all, I suppose.

    Well, hope the show goes well.

    Okay, this is what I was getting at. I wasn't "crying" about anything, I just would like to note that anyone with half a fucking brain would know he'd rather be performing for his fans than selling his own merch to them.

    If I were put in his position I would be leaning towards the embarassed side. Maybe he's not, but I would be.


    I am so fucking pumped for this.

    I need more Dir en grey in my life and August 3rd will bring it to me

    11 New Tracks = Perfect amount.

  11. Are you fucking kidding me? Didn't they just release Kakera? Don't they have a single coming out in like a couple of weeks? They're going too fast. I already have low expectations for this album. The creative process takes longer than a couple of months.

  12. To me, D'espairsRay is one of the more popular bands in the JRock scene and... to sell your own merchandise is totally one thing, I mean I've met tons of artists because they sell their own merchandise after shows... but that's the thing... after shows. Hizumi is going to be selling his own merchandise while his band is on stage playing without him. I know he has health problems, but I feel it's disrespectful to him to have the rest of the band be like "oh don't worry you can still be involved... here, sell our shit while we perform without you."

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