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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. I agree with Wind. It's not too much longer to wait for a good quality version. I'd rather not have my expectations ruined by a shitty radio rip. However, I do know that certain parts of the US have already started playing it. I'm not sure if it's going to be completely nationwide, though. I know my part of the country is very big into bands like Dir en grey and they would want to have something new to listen to. If I can get in touch with the DJ... I bet I could get him to play it.

  2. I'm not sure that's not Kyo singing over himself in the song. Live it'll be Die or Kaoru probably, but the studio version certainly sounds like Kyo on both lines.

    It's definitely Kyo singing over himself.

    In any case I kind of like what I hear. Hageshisa to... was better to me, but that's just me. I like the clip. The floating girl is awesome.

  3. I HAD a jwin that worked for at least... 5 years? PlayEd every DVD ever but one fucking day it just stopped working and I bight a cheap Sony. It works well but makes a buzzing noise and doesn't play my moi Dix mois or Versailles DVDs as I bought those in France and japan respectively..... Any suggestions on a specific brand chianti?

  4. Keep in mind: Amazon never ever picks the best part of songs as selling points.

    I got up to Color, a song I liked, and couldn't listen to the previews anymore because they just... Amazon never makes songs sound good...

    They did it with D'espas album too.

  5. Who are you?!

    Probably the only one on here listening Dir en grey and not liking Obscure :lol: Anyway, it was the first song I heard by them , along with the PV. I think that PV traumatized me a little so I never watched/listened it again. I was still 15...

    hahahha i was around that age when i first saw the PV for Obscure and it didnt bother me i quite enjoyed it but i was scared of the video for Agitated Screams of Maggots *shudders*


  6. I agree that DEATHGAZE does not often have variety in their albums but BLISS OUT had a lot of different elements to it that made the album really great. Each song on BLISS OUT brought something good to the overall product. But with 7th Rose there was ENTIRELY too much variety! The album didn't have any cohesion. It felt like it completely switched gears Fter the first two songs, then again afterthe third to a totally different genre of music, then tightrope, crimson fish and independent queen were the same song. But this isn't a 7th Rose topic.

    Long and short Vampire Saga > being stabbed in the ears > 7th Rose

  7. I'm not really agreeing with a lot of the comments here, but in my own personal opinion I thought it was their best album yet. True, the reason could be because my expectations were stunningly low after that pile of bullshit that was 7th Rose. (My review for that is a completely different topic, but the title track was like.... flawless.... but everything else was weird and disjointed and uncohesive. True, variety is the spice of life, but DEATHGAZE did it better on BLISS OUT than D did it on 7th Rose.) Anyway, rant aside, my expectations were low after Red Lamb Dinner Party (which grew on me a lot recently, but i still don't love it.) and In the name of Justice (which has grown on me completely at this point.) Then they were completely dashed after the bad cover art and album title.... But when the PV for Der Konig der Dunkleheit was released... I bagan to have hope.

    Overall I'll give the album a 9/10 liberally, but it's really more of an 8.5 I think. The songs that really jumped out at me included DAY WALKER, Underground road, Der Konig der Dunkelheit, Black Swan, Quartet, and Silver Acorn Bullet. Red Lamb Dinner Party and In the Name of Justice were singles, that opening song was pretty good for an opening song, but couldn't stand up to Nocturnal. Sui Midori no Tsubasa, Gatsu to Umi no Seiyaku, and Ai wa Hitsugi no Nakani are all pretty much on par with greatness and levels of obsession right now.

    Only ones I was really like.... "no." on were that horrid drum solo abomination and Desert Warrior. Desert Warrior was a good attempt at a great song, but not a good enough attempt and i passively say "no." Whereas a song composed entirely of drums.... is never a good idea. I don't see how someone could listen to JUST drums for more than a really awesome thirty or so second solo within a song.

  8. Kaya is one of my favorite artists, but I thought this fucking song sounded EXACTLY like at least three of his other songs! I was a twinge upset at how completely unoriginal it was. Awilda was a beautiful release, but this has been done. It doesn't need to be done again.



  9. i fucking love it. i dont know if that reaction stemms from the fact that i had such low expectations or that i legitimately like it but i really did enjoy it and could watch it again and again. Good job, D

  10. Windows 7

    I couldn't even figure out how to get as far as to extract something... It was totally and completely different than last time I used it like 2 weeks ago, but it's okay because I managed to figure out how WinRAR works, so I downloaded and installed that and it works great! Thanks for all your help!

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