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Posts posted by rekzer

  1. Hola desde Puerto Rico :)


    En realidad empeze a escuchar rock japones gracias a una amiga de la escuela superior. Era fan de anime pero nunca le prestaba atencion a los OP/ED. Mi primera banda fue DIR EN GREY con la cancion de Hotarubi <3 y desde ahi me volvi fan. 


    He visto a DIR EN GREY en vivo 4 veces, a ONE OK ROCK y a the GazettE


    I honestly don't like writing in Spanish at all though ._.

  2. I bought it on launch day with Zelda and boy did I regret it. Once the Zelda hype died down I realized the game kinda sucks. It was a huge rather empty open world with very minimal story compared to other Zelda titles.  I also bought Fast RMX, I Am Setsuna and Bomberman digital on launch day. I am still debating on if I should buy Splatoon 2 or not.


    I Am Setsuna and Cave Story + are the best things I've played on the Switch and they're not even new games.


    I also have Mario Kart Deluxe digital. This is my physical collection for now:



    Currently only waiting for Monster Hunter XX next month.


    My FC if anyone wants to add me :) SW-4530-2608-2226

  3. I actually like DIVISION more than BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY. But I do find Ibitsu very forgettable especially since like Saishu said it sounds like way too similar to Shiver.


    My first Gazette album was STACKED RUBBISH and I honestly disliked it very much at first. I only decided to give them another chance when DIM was released because of all the hype i kept hearing about in different forums and I'm so glad I gave them a second chance. Hell I even like STACKED RUBBISH now and listen it a lot (still hate Filth in the beauty).


    DOGMA was great for me because it was on the more br00tal side but Gazette does shine more in ballads in my opinion which DOGMA lacked.


    honestly i just hope they don't fully ditch the electronic part of their sound that started to show since TOXIC because that is the main reason i love them so much. But they should keep the br00tal vocals and the shuga shug shug from time to time. 

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