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Everything posted by ramrod

  1. ramrod

    of course not...
  2. ramrod

    when i chose that too, it only had 2 other people voting for it :\
  3. ramrod

    Favourite band!
  4. ramrod

    Who wins?
  5. ^ OI > You calling our cybersex over facebook not real ?
  6. ramrod

    4 days before my b'day Great
  7. ramrod

  8. ramrod

    sooo im still alive? it's 7pm
  9. ramrod

    5LRb4C-3tJQ Aqua are Gods.
  10. ramrod

    Orgy? Not today, i'm on my period. D:
  11. ramrod

    What a loser.
  12. ramrod

    Regardless, i believe in karma, and they WILL get cancer in the future. I don't get it, i though Australians were fucked, not anymore lol. But still...i dont get where people get off on doing that... to ANYONE let alone someone defenseless.
  13. ramrod

    Voted. Also, if she is the person you were referring to on tumblr a couple weeks back. PEOPLE ARE FUCKED!
  14. ramrod

    Visual Kei Lolita23q + Psycho le cemu. Non VK Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows + Psyclon Nine
  15. ramrod

    In other news, Kiwamu makes me cum.
  16. ramrod

    not a huge fan of new album, though i like the ballad/ish song.
  17. She has bad teeth. She's more japanese than we thought.
  18. ramrod

    Loving their last few albums!! I knewly got into them, absolutely amazing, finally a chick that can sing and scream well!! Home grown and menocide are AWESOME!
  19. ramrod

    Actually yeah D: Parties, house, etc. I drive around with them in the passenger seats, one big happy family. Not kidding.
  20. ramrod

    Why do people have to be part of a fandom. :S I love vk, but i dont consider it a fandom as i am not obsessed because i have other interests and utlisie my time better >_>
  21. ... seriously? Personally, just looking at that makes me sick. I have never known such a fandom / group of people to be so obsessed with something that it controls how they dress, how they speak, and even controls their facebook. Like, there are thousands of profiles out there with just pictures of VK band members, just that...no real photos of themselves. And NO. Your real name is NOT 'Hizaki Ruki Takanori' Like...i love VK, but not to the point where i'm some mong that says kawaii, over uses '<3' and lives my own life through the happenings of a vk band member... /end rant. Yes ill probably get flamed, whatever, lol. Opinions?
  22. ramrod

    Herpes.. one of us one of us one of us one of us
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