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Everything posted by ramrod

  1. ramrod

  2. ramrod

    It's related but this is specifically mukunoki and warning people... so i think merging wouldnt be beneficial at all lol.
  3. I am warning you all about my experiences with Mukunoki, for those who do not know. He acts an as intermediary service to obtain items from mbok, yahoo jp auctions among VK CD shops. This isnt just about revenge or unjustified defamation...It's a warning to you guys about the service so you too won't be ripped off and lose money/items in the process. These are the issues that i have faced (and many of my friends): - Slow response times, he either ignores emails, or doesnt act on them until it is too late and the item has gone. He then lies saying "The seller did not accept our bid" if you catch him out on it. - His response times are ridiculously slow. Taking days for a reply...and when he does reply, it is not very helpful, usually item related. - My last package was shipped to the WRONG ADDRESS. Some total random stranger got my thousand dollar package... THANKFULLY he rectified it...but he lied to me by saying the postal lady gave me the wrong tracking ID - When i did get my package (so much later) it was missing items that he assured me many times were there! Even when i asked him! And he promised he would refund them...but never replied to my email asking for one, and i had waited 2-3 weeks. - Missing items were never refunded. Total of $100. And i have been a customer that has spent near $10 000 with him...probably even more. Not on. Alot of people i know have had issues, including customer privacy, and general attitude issues. So i would not RECOMMEND him, and for those that already use him and are not satisfied. I would recommend an alternative called CELGA (http://www.celga.com) So far i am pleased, much more professional (though, maybe a bit confusing). But it's a worthy sacrifice. Those that remain with Mukunoki...be careful.
  4. ramrod

    I've called mental health services. They are on their way!
  5. ramrod

    With a description like that i got semi excited
  6. ramrod

    This is hard... what attracts me to guys on a physical basis is their arms.... nice and big. BUT. their ass is high on the sexy list for nether regions. so many dicks are ugly.
  7. ramrod

    i think the visual title comes in relation with their overall popularity too. Once a band makes it as popular as dir en grey or later pierrot and even nightmare, they kind of stop being reffered to as visual kei alot of the time.
  8. ramrod

    qrBj3u5dPgM *dances*
  9. ramrod

    You guys are freaks.
  10. ramrod

    Mankind sometimes
  11. ramrod

    CEO of Apple, he was the mastermind behind the iMac, the MacBook, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. He stepped down from his position 2 months because his health didn't allow him to have this great responsibility anymore. I'm really going to miss this guy, he was a revolutionary man, and he shall be missed. R.I.P i was being facetious. I was never an apple fanboy. so *shrug* people dying is sad. But he is no mother teresa.
  12. jaR_pgcnt6w OH.MY.GOD. I could listen to the intro to the song on repeat forever.
  13. ramrod

    what's his name removed his post :
  14. ramrod

    that covers one part of your argument. That is why lube was invented. Most sex we have these days is not for the purpose of breeding. You have oral, fingering, and contraception. And most my straight friends prefer anal sex as opposed to vaginal. It's just now that it is no longer seen as taboo, people are now more comfortable doing it. also, i have read studies that oppose this... stating that anal sex does not cause incontinence or damage to the anal canal. And irrespective of the kind of sex... if you have HPV and herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea...there is a high chance of contracting the infection. No matter the hole.
  15. ramrod

    It is because it is not follwoing current societal norms. Society dictates how they treat people. In olden greek tmes, homosexuality wasn't considered anything unnatural. Just like people with disabilities, or women (in the old days), and even black people. Times change and perceptions change with increased awareness that those black/women/disabled individuals are just like everyone else (with racism etc, the opressor is unable to see depth in the lives of the opressed). Like Ito said. People fear what they do not understand. With increased awareness and intelligence/education, less and less minorities are becoming vilified in the eyes of society. On the topic of anal sex. It isnt well equipped to have anal? Really? I've never had issues. edit: Bukimi...did you actually watch the documentary before making comment? that answers all your questions...
  16. ramrod

    "But actually gay men doesn't love sex because we are gay. But because we are men. Straight or gay, Young or old. Any race, any religions, men are made to love sex. It is part of nature. Of course aside of asexual men." WORD. SOOO many people say anal sex is unfulfilling and thats why gay men are so promiscuous... Ummm NO! men are men...irrespective of orientation... we love sex, and typicalyl the girl is who plays hard to get and makes the man work for sex...but when you have two men! There is no need for games. They both want the same. They are slutty because they are men. that is all.
  17. ramrod

    @ bukimi. This isnt an attack on you. This is a copy paste of a post i made a whle earlier explaining the choice debate. If you honestly think that this is a choice, then put yourself in our shoes. So you can know what it feels like to wake up every morning and go to school everyday wondering who’s going to make a comment, what kind of rumor you’re going to hear, who’s gonna be an ass towards you, always worrying about whether or not your parents will accept you, wondering if you’re ever going to be allowed to marry, adopt kids, be happy, and are in constant fear that you are going to hell... all on a daily basis. You know nothing about someone until you know what it’s like to be them. Why would anyone in their right mind chose to be a minority? Especially one that is shunned. Why would we chose to do something that subjects us to ridicule...and a harder life? Noone purposefully choses a harder life. There's a reason gays are 5-10 x more likely to commit suicide. It's because of rejection...and knowing that some of them will never be accepted by their peers...no matter how hard they try to be straight or fit in. Ones that try...fail. You can supress sexual behaviour, but not desire. Not to mention .. i have no idea why marriage is explicitly believed to be christian? It's not...marriage was around before christianity adopted it... Vedas traditions were around before marriage.
  18. ramrod

    Of course it is not representative of all christians. just most. Westboro isnt in all of the videos, just like one or two. the rest are every day, normal churches...but share similar (but less extreme) views. So i would say it is very relevant.
  19. ramrod

    I believe the sentiments expressed by the movie. Like half my entire family are redneck new zealand rugby players, and then the other half here, are all christian pastors. And growing up christian, you are made to believe it is wrong. Which is pretty bad, i used to always fear and sometimes cry that i would end up in hell etc. But then why would god send you to hell for something so trivial.. especially since it doesnt explicitly refer to homosexuality in the bible... it's a very grey book, it is not black and white at all. And it takes alot of these people to have a gay child to change their mind set. It took my family. (dad was easy, mum was more a year) a while to become accustomed to that fact. Especially when all our friends are basically christian and have opinions. The thing that surprises me and ensures i don't really care what they think is just by looking at their behaviour...they can be the most hypocritical group on individuals you will meet... they are taught not to judge, yet that is exactly what they do. Not to mention they pick and chose the verses they focus on (like man on man sex) as opposed to putting two crops in the same hole, and eating rabbit....among other things. Alot of people have this mindset "Ohhh...i don't mind gay people"..but what they REALLY mean is "I dont mind gay people...as long as it isnt in my family". Then once they have one in their family...it forces them to confront their bigotry, issues, and beliefs on the topic...and most of them, realise that gays are no different to normal people. We have the same dreams, desires and values. And aren't here to turn the whole world gay.
  20. ramrod

    I'm Crime Spice!
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