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Everything posted by ramrod

  1. Whoa. ive always considered Crossfaith as a japanese Enter Shikari! Wish they toured Australia. Though Enter Shikari was here this time last year, and Crossfaith is here in a month. So. Good enough
  2. loool, doubt eiji and the drummer will perform.
  3. One day we had no hot water, and i was complaining that i hate cold showers. So dad responds with.... "Well...i can give you a golden shower if you want" ..... T_T
  4. Nah, just the VHS tapes, and i dont own anything by Imitation PoPs 宇宙戦隊NOIZ?, sorry.
  5. Alright, I updated the list with some Metronome VHS tapes, as well as one 12012 tape. Im leaving this open for one more week, after that, i am throwing away the tapes. Also, due to costs and time restraints, i'll only consider offers for 4 or more tapes.
  6. ramrod

    oh was it?? i thought it wasnt, my bad xD i also bought their red and yellow case VHS tapes from 2002 aBYI8W2SGa8 1NBhEZGAxeI Also this is from another dual artist VHS tape that was from 2001, so probably the oldest video rleeased by them. bcRTd0tBJUk Enjoy.
  7. ramrod

    Uploaded another old school video of theirs, a PV that was completely unobtainable as it was only aired on TV, not provided with any release. Enjoy. SnDc1Y09iIE
  8. ramrod

    it has been a 9 year phase for me. So no..it is not a phase...unless your music taste completely changes or you were so easily impressionable back then that you only liked VK to either: a) try and be 'cool' or were a weeaboo. :s
  9. ramrod

    So i ripped one of their VHS tapes and uploaded it to youtube and thought you all would be interested in seeing it. It contains the PV for Venom which alot of you may not know even existed. kPR6T1Pun7s
  10. theyre on the front page. Also, whats on the 3 VHS? I have a video of the AMADEUS vhs too xD, it's good.
  11. ramrod

    Instead of telling you what i did, i'll just show you. Won best dressed too xD (I'm Moon)
  12. Ok so anyone else wanting any of these before they are disposed of? They're $10 each, and minimum will be 5 to make it worthwhile for the time taken to get quotes/boxed/shipped etc.
  13. As long as cure survives.... T_T I really think magazines should make online edition available, noone wants to buy them and spend large sums for import fees. :x
  14. ramrod

    SO MUCH DEBAUCHERY IN THIS TOPIC. How anyone can say Kousei (GHOST), Kirito (PIERROT), Sui (MEGAROMANIA, check out that vibrato, bro), Kouki (D=OUT), Tatsurou (MUCC), Shou (Alice Nine, he has improved tremendously since Givuss!) are bad!? *head explodes*
  15. Supernova was composed by Ryuto, and Yu-ki composed Hikari (i believe) so those two are capable of making incredibly powerful music, however, Ryosuke consistently made the majority of the catch tunes.
  16. It's odd. Ryonai just posted on his blog (about health problems) But. a) if he is too unwell to create accessories then he shouldnt sell them at the moment if he has time to write blog posts, he should have time to respknd to my emails
  17. its ok, i made a dispute with paypal after ringing them so i will get my money back thanks anyways
  18. Updated the list with sold items.
  19. Still no reply at all. This is fucking ridiculous. NEVER BUY FROM RYONAI / BLAM HONEY / SUPPURATE SYSTEM. You will lose your money, and never receive the item. Heed my warning. My japanese friend even tried ringing them and they did not answer, neither did they reply to either of our inquiries via email.
  20. Weeks? I thought it would take months XD oh well I'm taking this, please hold on them for me for a couple of days, I need to check, whether I got my money already or not (new job, not sure when I'll get my payment XD) I'll contact you through PM later on^^ What's happening with this now?
  21. ramrod

  22. i cant try and get my monye back because paypal's resolutino center policy lasts for only 45 days after date of purchase.... and yeah. I will get my friend to ring them. thanks for the reply!
  23. ramrod

    Be wary of emotional manipulation. I am really shocked her mother said that, though i think you're looking too far into it, she was joking.
  24. So i ordered a claw from Suppurate System (created by Ryonai of Blam Honey) and it's been 7 weeks and i havent been sent anything yet, nor has there really been any communication, and it's too late to dispute it on paypal... FML. Anyone else ever had issues with ordering from them? http://suppuratesystem.ocnk.net/
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