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Everything posted by ramrod

  1. ramrod

    Oh my god. LOL, How does sin cause a natural disastor? Please. Next in line for sin. China, for their slaughter and inhumane handling of endangered bears. Extracting bile from raw open wounds they inflicted. Pray for a 9.5 guys.
  2. ramrod

    And trolling is mature? Oh my god. Just stop.
  3. ramrod

    On a side note regarding Pearl Habor. Read this. http://www.independent.org/newsroom/article.asp?id=1930 Americans had it coming and asked for the bombing.
  4. ramrod

    yes yes yesssssss
  5. ramrod

    ohhh ok, thanksies! DA:O it is!
  6. ramrod

    I was bullied mercilessly, beaten up, called names during school. Teachers can be so cruel ;'(
  7. ramrod

    It's not even Frypan, it's Flypan.
  8. ramrod

    WTF is that thing on the left. Gender plz? Also, that skirt fits perfectly. In the recommended videos was this... LeSQne3RDCY
  9. ramrod

    I'ma decapitate curly hair boy and put his head on facial hair guy's body. mmmmmmmmmm
  10. ramrod

    Should i get dragon age 2 or DAO?
  11. ramrod

    Male lady gagas i cum every time. ko2IIvE34WY
  12. ramrod

    hehehehe. Now i like this thread 8=D ~~~ ~~ ~
  13. ramrod

    Sorry for giving your hopes up! Mine too were...when i entered this thread. Shattered even.
  14. ramrod

    .. I read this as the Japanese Jizz thread. What the hell.
  15. ramrod

    Definitely not drug induced
  16. ramrod

    Oh i fucking love you LOL
  17. ramrod

    'telling it how it is' is subjective. You blamed undercode on your post, no mention of the promoter at all. You did take it out of proportion, they stated they are having lives in europe etc. They mentioned where they might hold lives, didnt state explicitly that they will DEFINITELY have them there, it's the fans fault for assuming they are 100% going to their city/country. The promoter only mentioned the possibilities which is fine. Why is it even an issue? Pfft.
  18. ramrod

    Way to exaggerate the situation. Oh please, how is undercode pissing on the fans? It's not like kisaki is there writing on that german forum or w/e. It's the promoter, blame then. fuck. /end rant. It pisses me off when a band goes to a country and all people do is whinge, at least they are visiting overseas. They don't have to.
  19. ramrod

    wah wah wahhhh, my country was skipped. Shut up, at least they are somewhat close to you guys/on your continent, get a train.
  20. ramrod

    I actually when i saw the thread went "wat D:" So he just left? Is he having issues with the band or his voice? AND WTF, Their recent single was really good >
  21. ramrod

    Eat a burger?? ARE YOU KIDDING?! She is the PERFECT weight, her body is gorgeous. If i was a straight man, i definitely would not mind that.
  22. Hahaha, I live at Copacbana Beach, but in New South Wales Australia! Weird, different place, same name. Also. They fucking spelt 'tonnes' incorrect, shitty spelling for an article.
  23. *butts in, aww i love mel C!*
  24. ramrod

    Record name: Earjaculation Production Band: Life?Miserable (Omg, how depressing) Vocals: Yukari (Baiser) Guitar: Közi (Eve of Destiny → Malice Mizer) Guitar: ミサ (嘆キ使徒 → Da'vidノ使徒:aL → Klein Kaiser → ミサ → Aioria → RusH [support] → ??ビロン) Bass: RUN a.k.a Emiru (Lareine → ANUBIS) Drums: Kazuki (Rapture → LA VALLIÉRE → Deshabillz → JE*REVIENS → Dué le quartz → RusH [support], ??ん?? [support] → ??ビロン, ??FIGURE;】 [support]) First Album: I'm not years ago. First PV: Silent Miserable (wow, coincidence lol) Ok, so i'm pretty sure my band WILL be THE best band to ever form! Yukari, Kozi, Misa, Emiru and Kazuki. Holy dick tits, can it get better? Helllo Budokan. So many eargasms. I think the band would be melodramatic / melancholic sounding though, with a name and PV like that. , Though their engrish sucks.
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