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Everything posted by ramrod

  1. ramrod

    Sue him because you don't like him? Jesus, what a joke, you guys have too much time. Why troll, it just pisses people off.
  2. ramrod

    LOL, why trade something i bought, ripped and uploaded for all? It was on the old tainted world, but it has been lost since in the new version, but i also have it on LJ. Not cool to 'trade' things that you got freely Aliene Ma'riage http://community.livejournal.com/jmusic ... 17808.html http://community.livejournal.com/jmusic ... 04324.html Velvet Eden http://community.livejournal.com/tonari ... 92035.html
  3. ramrod

    offer dvds from aliene mariage and velvet eden? Which?
  4. ramrod

    *takes dump on maiku* Is that sexy also 8D?
  5. ramrod

  6. ramrod

    You better not upload that, i traded that with you >
  7. ramrod

    oh i fuckign hate the velvet eden lastfm page, made some bitch delete her account, well helped. Urgh, the new velvet eden is good. People are bnloody lucky dada even returned, as long as dada keeps making music i'll be happy. Whether its reminiscent of the old VE or not... end rant lol.
  8. ramrod

    Even if they reformed...it wouldnt be the same, Kyouka doesnt sound anywhere similar anymore.
  9. 20 000? Someone's ambitious.
  10. ramrod

    *is sprayed* oh nooo!!
  11. ramrod

    WTF, they measure his dick and put it in a magazine?! GTFO
  12. ramrod

    WTF. i thought this was recent. GTFO
  13. ramrod

    Welcome to Toasted Waffles
  14. ramrod

  15. ramrod

    DVD decrypter. Download and use that it removes protection google it.
  16. ramrod

    O_O He'd be cumming rainbow glitter.
  17. ramrod

    They are grouped into the encompassing scene of visual kei. i believe so anyways, they arent really VK. but if you described them to people as vk, most wouldnt dispute it, because it is theatrical, underground, unusual costumes, and their fanbase are typical vk fangirls.
  18. ramrod

    didnt they remake it for psp??
  19. *checks email* uits down to half so far. only like 20. You can have my first baby.
  20. Every time i post in a thread, and someone replies after me, or after i visit the thread again, i get an email notificatino stating a user has posted since my last visit... How hte hell can i turn this off? I turned off email notifications in control panel already :S
  21. ramrod

    i enjoyed elements of XII. Like the zodiac aspect of the summons. And i loved the Quickenings so much! If i was in the shits, i could use that to survive X_X. X had a beautiful story and amazing graphics for its time. And i had a crush on LuLu. I wish i had a PS3 so i could try FFXIII
  22. ramrod

    X XII or gtfo
  23. ramrod

    with kamijo, kisaki, tomozo and kiwamu still around, visual kei will still exist.
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