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Status Replies posted by sai

  1. i still cant get over how terribly cheesy D's lyrics are like god damn

  2. go CAT go CAT go

  3. People complaining about how dressing up as a different culture for Halloween is offensive

  4. If we had a thread for Japanese iTunes / Amazon Mp3, would that go over well? My idea is to coordinate between people who have access to those services and kind of act as a middle man for people who do not so they don't have to figure out how to get a Japanese iTunes / Amazon gift card.

  5. there should always be a mod in mhfell

  6. So yeah, I'm going to quit taking these psychiatric drugs. Fuck em'. I'll quit drinking coffee too eventually, but one thing at a time. One thing at a time. Wish me luck.

  7. My headphones died :( I must be cursed, can't keep headphones for more than 6 months <_<

  8. RUKI ANNOUNCED ANOTHER WORLD TOUR!!!! I KNEW IT!!!! i think it's gonna be mostly NA this time.

  9. Lost my phone while traveling and hit my head getting into the airplane. Hashtag hot mess

  10. Hahahaha, I DID IT! Today I got the test of Didactics and scored 92 points of the 100p! My hard work has payed off! :)

  11. I went to a burlesque show and watched a guy dressed as Voldo strip to Zombie from Versailles.

  12. fuck you itunes. FUCK YOU. and fuck you too iOS7 . y so slow

  13. w00t, 385 followers on tumblr. Good to know so many people enjoy pictures of asians, black ppl, and art as much as I do lmao.

  14. With TT.fm slowly turning into shit, maybe it's time to give mumu.io another chance? Less functions and no shiny interface, but at least it still allows user uploads...

  15. welp 12012 tricked me again

  16. Last paperwork going to be sent in to the japanese embassy tommorow. 16 days till we're leaving. @o@

  17. "To get your tracks into Turntable, upload them to SoundCloud and then search for them here. This will allow anyone to find and play your music."....Just when I thought tt.fm couldn't get any worse...

  18. Do I continue studying for this exam or do I just give up and go make a sandwich?

  19. Looking forward to 12012's release more than the GazettE's

  20. Haven't downloaded anything from here in a while. Anything interesting to check out?

  21. I'm loving Jupiter's first album to death!!!! *__* It's so awesome!!

  22. I'm loving Jupiter's first album to death!!!! *__* It's so awesome!!

  23. Biopanda and Caran are approaching the magic 100 days online time. Who will reach it first? What will happen when they do? Will the forum implode?

  24. Today has been such an excellent day in the world of J-Rock

  25. Today has been such an excellent day in the world of J-Rock

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