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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Great title and can't wait!
  2. sai

    Happy b-day to Ito & Aion <3
  3. sai

    Searching for the truth? Sounds like the musical version of Miles Edgeworth. Anyway, if this is most 'savage' work till now I suppose it's heavier than UROBOROS?
  4. sai

    Oops, got it mixed up lol. I thought it was a B-SIDE from Raise a Flag. Forget I said anything. @ShanethVarosa: I'M A GIRL. WHEN WILL PEOPLE ON HERE FINALLY LEARN. However I still expect you to leave Bertha to me once you get a new car. Off topic: wth happened to the banner xD And who's the lulzy person in the middle? Ito?
  5. sai

    Well PS company is a sub-division of Free-Will, which instead, co-operates with SONY all the time so it would have been impossible for Gazette to end up in avex company since they were automatically transferred to Sony's side. + not sure if they had to join against their will or not but Sony's apparently more popular than avex nowadays (close connections to foreign countries blaahblaah) But yes, avex is much better...especially if we consider the fact that it has "vk-godfathers" there...Luna Sea and Kuroyume Ah, I didn't know that, , didn't know PSC was a port of Free-Will. Guess we'll never see it happen though. They practically had no other choice than SONY...I hope this will never ever happen to Alice Nine. PSC already died partly when Kagrra, disbanded. Even IF SONY is more popular, I'm still more for avex, I prefer them over SONY. And that's apart from the fact that my favourite band (D) and some other favs (Gackt, Nightmare, Megamasso) are on it. And SADS, Kuroyume, Luna Sea...do I have to say more? And tbh, I'm afraid SONY's popularity will start to go downhill really fast until they finally fix the Playstation Network To the poster above me: I'm afraid SONY got them on a leash. Like Pretsy mentioned, PSC is part of Free-Will that is again a part of SONY. Besides, I'm pretty sure they signed a two-year contract. Besides, I think they're making a lot of money of the GazettE, so I don't think SONY is willing to release them. And PSC won't let the GazettE move away from SONY, they're pretty much trapped. That PSC woman is evil.
  6. In a theater would be nice as well, just like Within Temptation did their accoustic tour
  7. sai

    I do agree with the fact that this could also be SONY's doing. I mean, it happened to UVERworld and most other SONY bands. It would've been better if they had joined (YES I MEAN IT) avex trax or something. Avex are money whores, but they pretty much let their artists do whatever they want (example D, Gackt and Nightmare)
  8. Would be awesome, but then a day for every album, which would make 8 including this new one.
  9. sai

    True. Still love the Phoenix Wright version
  10. sai

    That's pretty soon. I didn't like Raise a Flag but that B-SIDE they are putting on (kamikaze) was pretty standard NoGoD-ish. That was a song I liked, though personally I would've liked it better if they had put PAIN on it. Anyway, 11 songs minus those two makes 9 new songs, and as NoGoD usually doesn't do intros and 1 instrumental that makes 8 new songs for me (since I'm usually not that big on instrumentals). Gonna take a while to wait till august, but we'll see.
  11. sai

    Don't think they wrote it themselves. But yes, reading that made me facepalm so hard it hurt a little. Oh I'd like for Dir en grey to drone. They obviously did not write it. Yeah I kind of figured. I just laugh every time someone seriously thinks Dir en grey is grindcore/deathcore/etc, haha. I know how you feel. I just had the same the other day when some dude on YouTube told me that Withering To Death was pure metal and wasn't remotely different from MOAB, Uroboros or Hageshisa to. I'm not even going to RESPOND to that. 1. I don't want to start a shitstorm 2. Apparently this person isn't very good with genres. I personally dgaf, 3. YouTube comments always are full of bullcrap
  12. Well everyone likes what he thinks is best I suppose
  13. sai

    VORTEX = Hyena + Leech + Crucify Sorrow (yeah really) + SHIVER. Still awesome though. 9/10 UNCERTAIN SENSE = NARAKU + AN UNBEARABLE FACT + IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS 8/10 pretty good, though cut down on the English BREAK ME = I don't even know what this is 4/10 Better than their other singles, they finally stopped doing the same song structure they've been doing since SHIVER.
  14. sai

    Tbh, I wouldn't care if they were doing this in a shirt and jeans, as long as the music's good
  15. sai

    I get what you mean xD It's kind of akward
  16. That's because Champ banned ohaiitzwill. He's probably flaming around on other forums right now.
  17. sai

    Lol, seeing Hizumi when you buy your goods
  18. How the hell did they manage that
  19. sai

    I like it, bite me. Though they should cut down on the Engrish. The B-side AN UNCERTAIN SENSE is almost completely in Engrish D: It's better than the other singles though, they stopped doing the: '1 upbeat poppier track, 1 br00tal track and one shit ballad' thing
  20. That's my birthday!!!! I agree with you! Lol, three people on the same day: me, Jon and you
  21. sai

    ^LOL Aston Martin ftw <3
  22. Shounen's there, right above MARIA! Oops, missed it
  23. sai

    Silly Fools - น้ำนิ่งไหลลึ??
  24. It's ok. I love the bg church though, it's so what D did in Nocturnal
  25. MARIA No Shounen unfortunately...PT's cover of MARIA still gives me eargasms
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