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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    That's so stupid but so awesome at the same time.
  2. sai

    From Finland
  3. sai

    Lol love tips from Lycaon. Somehow I don't think all of them will work
  4. sai

    Ugh. I still hope for a day that the rest will fire Jin and get themselves a decent vocalist.
  5. sai

    Going to give a bigger review later but I have to say I love the album. Seeing as I didn't like the singles I thought this wasn't going to be as good as LAST, even though the members said it would be different. Somehow it is, and somehow it isn't. For now I'd give it a 8.5/10 Your thoughts? Oh and please, I know we have a few UVERworld haters on here, so I'm okay with it if you don't like the album or the band, everybody's got their own taste but don't turn this into a 'boohooo they've always sucked blablabla' topic
  6. sai

    I already posted this
  7. sai

    There's something about Versailles World Tour 2011 on KAMIJO's blog, but those are only Japan dates that start on July 31st and end August 28th. So I think if they were going anywhere else it would be after the Japan Tour. That would be most logical. But since it's a 'World Tour' I suppose they're gonna tour outside of Japan.
  8. sai

    Hopefully they come near before the 12th. I leave on holiday that day. I need to see Kamijo again. And not make him cry this time
  9. sai

    Awesome! And: So my thoughts on seeing it in the PV
  10. sai

    Likes VK as well?
  11. sai

    Fo sho! I think the chorus is probably the weakest part of the song but everything else I loved! The video was a tad bit too cheesey, not even cheesey in a good funny way. Glad I went with purchasing the regular edition. The only redeeming thing from the PV is the gif this person made. THOSE WERE MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY WHEN I SAW THAT PART. KAMIJO WALKING LIKE A PIMP. This is so funny to me because I also found this to be a rather...unique walk during the PV. Apparently I wasn't the only one
  12. sai

    GUILD - Uso Janai
  13. sai

    I don't even bother trying this. I can see 192 from 320 but that's it.
  14. sai

    Miles is awesome <3 Never played Radiant Historia though XD
  15. sai

    Ah, now I get it XD
  16. sai

    Thirded. But isn't it like this that they have to play other positions? Like the vocal does drums etc
  17. sai

    Thanks! I love you <3 I'm still waiting for the dudes who are translating AAI 2 since Capcom won't release it outside Japan D:
  18. sai

    Can imagine. Just had my exams. I know it's hard, maybe my motivation was better than yours (lol) but at least give it a try. Try rewarding yourself if you manage to study for about an hour or 2-3 with food you like and make sure that during studying you take enough breaks to regain your concentration. It's all I got, but I hope it helps.
  19. sai

    G.D - 악몽
  20. sai

    ^ You can always order it from Yesasia. There will most probably be Hongkong versions or Korea versions as well and those are usually MUCH cheaper. For example, SID's dead stock album is 29 euros for the japanese version and 15 euros for the Korean version. Do I need to say more? *still waiting for someone to response with a Miles Edgeworth gif*
  21. sai

    Nose spray D:
  22. sai

  23. sai

    I OBJECT TO YOUR OBJECTION. LOL forever btw, I love you right now <3
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