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Everything posted by sai

  1. As long as they won't butcher Vinushka I'm fine with this.
  2. Nice! Was a bit disappointed with their Summer EP, preffered their Spring EP
  3. Watch out for his chair flinging machine. Maybe they just have two guitarists now? Kiwamu bitched about reviving BLOOD because he hated working with Ken xD so I think he's still in.
  4. sai

    *cough*moneywhores*cough* Anyway, I'm afraid for this...pretty much all remakes they did of older songs I didn't like...I hope they won't ruin Uroboros like they did to the other songs. I'll shoot them if they do.
  5. Thanks for the tip! Is it possible to purchase said edition at Yesasia?
  6. sai

    UROBOROS > MOO, by a long shot. And I agree about the speed of it. also I find DIM to be much better than MOO, and I haven't been into DIM that long. DIM was good, it was organized, it made sense, for me, MOO doesn't.
  7. sai

    Would be so cool. The only regular I'm able to hang out with is Champ but that's about and hour away. And I think Champ has more interesting things to do than hang around with me
  8. sai

    That decreases credibility in pretty much everything he does now. That wasn't perhaps the smartest thing to write. Ah, Kiwamu's always so great for entertainment. And this as well. I mean wtf? Lol at Kiwamu deleting him though.
  9. sai

  10. sai

    That actually makes sense xD
  11. sai

    I want my teachers to be like her.
  12. sai

  13. Awesome look! I really like Sun'z up as well
  14. sai

    Why would anyone want to be signed by him? I'd get my ass on SAS.
  15. sai

    wooooooooooooow wth did I miss. Lol I love how Kiwamu swears and tells everyone to fuck off xD Anyway, if you troll him by uploading pictures like this, don't apologize just post TROLOLOL or something.
  16. sai

    Wonder how I got pregnant in the first place. ...if Kiwamu made you pregnant?
  17. sai

    Throw something at him, that would suffice. preferably a chair
  18. sai

    wb <3 glad to see you survived
  19. sai

    I remember he got really pissed about them xD He already asked Ken to delete them or he would ban him from the internetz.
  20. sai

    I...have trouble imagining that. Wow, he's married?
  21. sai

    Thanks a lot! I like
  22. sai

    Likes Asagi (who is my father xD)
  23. sai

    Do you happen to have any photos for their DIM scene album, perhaps a wallpaper?
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