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Everything posted by nick

  1. nick

    A longer version:
  2. nick

    awesome! sugoi kakkoii. lml
  3. nick

    They're very confident to announce this. xD
  4. nick

    Just saw the thread. Welcome back to MH, gekijou! We missed you.
  5. nick

    I wonder where would the new songs they composed in 2011 e.g. "Future", and Destiny, Zecchou Bang!!, and Zantetsuken PVs go. It's high possible to see this previous stuff not to be included in any of their future releases. For the said PVs, they might never officially be available in either DVD or Blu-ray format which means we will never see Destiny PV in HQ and also the full version of Zecchou Bang!! PV.
  6. nick

    I'm in shock. Speechless. <333
  7. nick

    Enjoy your vacation in the rarezland, style! We'll be looking forward to your come back.
  8. nick

    シド - Blurry Eyes
  9. nick

    Here is what I have. IV‐他者/Philosophia 止まぬ雨 消えぬ音 不安が募ってく 眠れず ただ静かに 夜が目醒める 落ちる闇 上がる鼓動 薄れてく意識 違う顔 知らぬ声 そう、それは僕じゃない どれほど声を上げても 示す事の出来ない 僕が僕である証は 誰が持っているの? 僕は何処にいるの? 相容れない感情と 受け入れられない思想 僕を拒む何かが 僕の存在を知っている どれほど声を上げても 示す事の出来ない 僕が僕である証は あなたがくれた真実 笑顔は 感情は 何処で生まれるの? 悩みは 苦しみは 何故生まれてくるの? 疑い 選んで 受け入れて それでも 真理など 辿り着けないとわかっても 何故考えるの? 受け継がれていく知識の渦の中 いくつもの答えが生まれたけれど どんな答えも完全じゃない どんな答えも全てを救えはしない でも悩み続け、迷い続け また生まれていく 「何故?」に終わりはないから いつまでも そう、いつまでも 君が「知る」事を 愛せますように
  10. nick

    Awesome! Let's see what they will come up with after having listened to The Unraveling.
  11. *is listening to 10. ガゼット - 7月8日*

    1. CaRaN


      love it *_*

    2. nick


      Yay, it's 7月8日 today.

    3. CaRaN


      right hahaha

  12. nick

    I love your arts too. You're so good at drawing something realistic. 8D
  13. nick

    「Kurohina」Attack on Titan OP - Guren no Yumiya 「Thai version - Female cover」
  14. girugamesh to come back with the brand new sound: http://www.girugamesh.jp

    1. nick


      no dubstep, please.

    2. Gaz


      ^agree XD

    3. GazeRockSnob


      Scared but excited to find out!

    4. Show next comments  132 more
  15. nick

    Happy birthday, Jigsaw! Another year older. Celebrate it happily! ;3
  16. nick

    Welcome, melmo. Were you the same person who had been active on Soulseek back in around 2006? XD
  17. nick

    ^ Both of you are beautiful. ;3
  18. nick

    Here is mine. Some of you may have seen it already though.
  19. nick

    Those songs can be purchased via iTunes Store (and not only Japan) since a long while ago. x) However, I'm not sure if they're the same versions though.
  20. nick

    I wonder what he has done actually.
  21. nick

    And the last.fm tag would be Jupiter to avoid confusion.
  22. nick

    ^ Awesome! The latter is my fav. lml
  23. nick

    I voted for Kagrra,. I think Kagrra, sounds much more mature compared to Kiryu.
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